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John From Cincinnati: The universe continues

John From Cincinnati: The universe continues

12 Aug 2007, by Rob A. McKenzie, The Apersand Blog, National Post

“Maybe David Milch is John. The season finale, and presumably the series finale, of John From Cincinnati was so disappointing that, seeking whatever secret redemption it might contain, I wondered if Milch had rendered his surfing prophet so banal as a warning against trust in prophets, perhaps including in that class himself, a TV writer (Deadwood, NYPD Blue, Hill Street Blues) whose many acolytes scrutinize his texts for shards of meaning and no doubt force themselves to find wisdom in the text that was broadcast last night.
It did not salvage the series, as I had hoped it might.

It’s not as if Milch needed to tie everything up in a pretty bow, but some order was called for, after this series’ long stumble around the desert, a trip of mirages, oases, visions.
Instead, the final line (and this is hardly a spoiler) was, if I heard correctly, John saying, “Mother of God, Cass Kai.” We see Kai surfing as he says this, and Cass is presumably filming the scene. They’re both secondary characters in the overpopulated cast

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