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Hit Or Miss II

Started by Sven2, August 11, 2010, 08:43:38 AM

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So, Flower, did you get the shoes?  :D :P 8)
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Skor, Flower, Mz.Lily, Trishah, anyone - did any of you read something by D.F.Wallace? Is it readable at all? I'm thinking of getting his "Infinite Jest",  however the sheer number of pages scares me off!

Please, tell me, is it worth opening? A side note - I read through Dostoevsky with ease, but skipped the war in "War and Peace", if that's any indication. So - I would appreciate your opinion! Thanks.
Do no harm


@sven: i don't even know who DF Wallace is!! nothing on the shoes or shirts those bastards!  :-[

Water Lily you go flower...@ Sven, sounds depressing, just my opinion :)


Mz.Lily,  :D :D :D :D :D, you might be right!
Or, as it's supposedly satire or something - could be funny. Hmmm... still, I'd rather read an abridged copy  ::) 8)

Flower, don't you know literary masterpieces don't bring in money, oh, wait, Da Vinci Code or Jodi Picoult stuff do! :P :P :P
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@sven: well its just a pair of shoes and/or a tshirt... i've sent several emails but of course no reponse... so whatever happens happens right?   ::)

huge article on Nathan Fletcher in Surfer mag haven't read it... these guys make their living SURFING so i better not hear any whining about how tough his life is okay?

and speaking of a tough life: The ASP giveth and the ASP taketh away... they gave Kelly Slater the title in San Fran the other day and then had to take it back due to an error in the points awarded with great apologies to Owen Wright how won at Long Beach NY is September beating Kelly by several points: keep in mind that when Kelly won his first title Owen was 1 yr old!!   ;D


I've read several short stories of DFW in the New Yorker, have not attempted "Infinite Jest", but it is getting to be winter, so why not? I read so much this summer, but not mush since then, I watch movies or just play scrabble games online. Today is the short day, it is getting dark, not even 3:30 yet. Oy, another winter is icumen in.


OMG, Skor, you forgot to turn your clock back?!? Sunset is around 4.30 pm now, falling fast though.
At least it's balmy 68 for couple days here!
Yeah, I'll skip Wallace, as I did Pynchon, as I did Martin and many, many more before that and will definitely do after.....

I'm reading "The Inverted Forest" by John Dalton, still on the first pages but it is promising a good story. Some vibes there of Robert Penn Warren, Carson McCullers, etc.
Got down to one Netflix movie a pop as I watch Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Homeland and it's already three nights a week. Can one watch TV every single night? (It's possible, ain't it? :D)
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Keith Richards receives Mailer Award presented by President Bill Clinton! Wow sex drugs and rock and roll all rolled up in a neat little package there!  :P


Wow, and who represents drugs and sex in this equation? Rock&roll is Keith, right?  :D :D :D 8)
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Lately more and more westerns appear on TV and in movies, I've discovered "Hell on Wheels" on AMC - that's been already ridiculed for bad writing, which, IMHO, is not that bad - sure, it's not exclusively literary like Milch's, but good cast, acting and the atmosphere well make up for it.
The main character is a younger version of Brolin, a brooding avenger, there are brothels, preachers, slit throats and - a DEAD INDIAN! Yeah, it brings back memories......
Do no harm


Quote from: Sven2 on November 16, 2011, 01:25:51 PM
Wow, and who represents drugs and sex in this equation? Rock&roll is Keith, right?  :D :D :D 8)

actually i think keith is all three... i'll let your imagination runaway with itself as to what Bill Clinton and Norman Mailer represent!  :P


Have no clue about Mailer! I could guess something about Salinger or Williams, yes, I should read more biographical exposé!
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Mailer liked his whisky and women no doubt but i'm sure he had a few puffs of the evil weed during the sixties... In Tough Guys Don't Dance there's a woman's decapitated head stuffed in a black plastic garbage bag with about a kilo of ganji...I can't remember why tho??  :D

saw Horrible Bosses... kinda has that Hangover feel to it... I thought it would be more like an Office Space kinda flick but not so.... still quite funny and the cameo appearances by some old timers was a pleasant surprise!  and Jennifer Aniston as the nympho dentist was quite amusing!!

One of my favorite lines: I'm coked out of my head and I'll punch who I want! I think I actually said that once!  :P

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