Comprehensive Viewer Survey


Introduction to Comprehensive Viewer Survey: April 2008

This survey was designed to gather a better picture of ‘John From Cincinnati’ viewers and their opinions about the show and HBO. We believe this information is needed to better articulate the case for continuing the show to HBO.

The survey starts with a few important demographic questions, however we did not ask for any identifying information. Also, these questions were not mandatory so respondents could skip them all together. This was done because we wanted people to feel free to give accurate information.

There are a total of fifty-seven questions; ten demographic and forty-seven ranging from specific questions about the amount of ones cable bill to such things as opinion questions about why the person thought HBO canceled JOHN and what HBO could have done differently.

We asked that whether the respondent liked the show or not, or believed it can be brought back or not, that we would like to hear their honest opinions. And from the looks of the responses, it looks like we succeeded.

Though it nearly doubled the length of this document, we chose to include every response to the last two questions: “56. How did JOHN FROM CINCINNATI impact your life?” and” 57. Additional comments” instead of trying to summarize. There is no substitute to hearing a person’s thoughts in their own words.

On a personal note, we would like to thank David Milch and Kem Nunn for the spirit and intellect they brought to “John From Cincinnati”. We have been challenged and inspired and changed in ways both big and small. It is our hope, that one day soon, the tide will indeed turn, and we will have the pleasure of taking another ride with our IB friends.


The Survey Questions

  1. User Country
  2. User Region
  3. User Browser
  4. User OS System
  5. Survey Started
  6. Survey Ended
  7. What is your age?
  8. What is your gender?
  9. What is your marital status?
  10. Do you surf?
  11. What is your occupation?
  12. What is your religion?
  13. What is your household yearly income?
  14. What is your education level?
  15. What is your current country?
  16. If in USA, what is your state?
  17. Did you watch ‘John From Cincinnati’?
  18. Did you watch the premiere episode immediately after the Sopranos finale?
  19. How did you first hear about the show?
  20. How many episodes did you watch?
  21. On average, how many times did you watch each episode during the first week it aired?
  22. Did you watch the premiere (first run) of each episode on Sunday nights or wait and watch later in the week?
  23. Did you watch the show… (choose all that apply)
  24. Did you watch during the original season or the reruns?
  25. “Which words best describe how you feel about the show. Use the “”Other”” box to add more words.”
  26. “How do you rate this show compared to other shows; e.g. is it in your “top 3”, “top 10″, etc.?”
  27. Was HBO’s promotion of JFC adequate?
  28. What could HBO have done differently to ensure the success of the show?
  29. Are you a Deadwood fan?
  30. What other HBO series/shows do/did you watch regularly?
  31. How many of your friends, family or co-workers watched the show?
  32. Did you usually watch with…
  33. Number of people who had never heard about the show, until you told them about it?
  34. Number of people you told about the show who went on to…
  35. Did you discuss the show with friends?
  36. Have you visited…
  37. What, if any, online discussion groups/forums/bulletin boards did you join to talk to others about the show?
  38. If yes, how often did you participate in online discussion groups BEFORE JFC?
  39. How often did you participate in online groups AFTER JFC?
  40. Have you watched YouTube videos about the show?
  41. If you have bought JFC merchandise, what did you buy?
  42. What have you already done to try to persuade HBO to bring back JFC?
  43. How much money have you spent trying to get HBO develop another season of JOHN?
  44. How much time have you spent?
  45. Are you a current HBO subscriber?
  46. If you are not a current HBO subscriber, what would it take to get you to subscribe again?
  47. Would you pre-pay for a season 2 DVD if it meant getting the second season made?
  48. How much is your current total monthly bill for TV services? (Do not include internet or telephone.)
  49. On average, how many times a year do you change your TV services? i.e., purchase more services or cancel services?
  50. What influences cause you to change your TV services?
  51. I would pay the following amount extra (above subscription) per episode if it would help…

The Survey Results

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