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This donations have made it possible for us to establish two new areas: our new forum and survey areas, as well as the redesigning of the website.
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Mitch Yost Public Service Announcement #3 for WiLDCOAST.
The WiLDCOAST Mission
WiLDCOAST protects and preserves coastal ecosystems and wildlife in the Californias and Latin America by building grassroots support, conducting media campaigns and establishing protected areas.
For more information contact: - WiLDCOASTMore About
What will WildCoast do with the money?
The following is an email from the Serge Didina, director of WildCoast:
"Please let everyone know that we would use the money to fund a project we are working on with Engineers without Borders to support a low-tech wastewater treatment project to help 50 families who live in shacks in Los Laureles Canyon in Tijuana just on the other side of the border fence (where Vietnam Joe met John) from where the first episode of JFC was filmed. The conditions in this canyon are horrendous and a major problem is the raw sewage that flows in the streets where children play.WildCoast YouTube Video
"David Milch knows about this canyon as does Kem Nunn and most of the writers and directors when I showed it to them when they did their first scouting trip to Imperial Beach. And of course Kem wrote about places like this in his epic novel, Tijuana Straits.
"The sewage from the canyons and the poor people's homes empties into the ocean in Imperial Beach. This Sunday we are hosting our 4th Annual Dempsey Holder Ocean Festival (Dempsey was a surfer mentioned in the show – he was real though) to raise money for the wastewater project.
"Last year David Milch and Red Board Productions were generous contributors to the event – which helped provide low-income at risk kids for scholarships to do Junior Lifeguard Camp. And HBO produced a 13-minute documentary on Wildcoast and our work to help improve the conditions of the colonials in Tijuana – it is really good. Hopefully it will be in the DVD of the series.
"Thanks for your support."
Serge Dedina
Pollution Problems Of Tijuana Sloughs