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Mitch Yost Needs to Get Back in the Game

Mitch Yost Needs to Get Back in the Game

01 November 2007, Blog by Duel,

–The good people at are still fighting the good fight to resurrect John from Cincinnati. Click on over there and show your support. I’m not sure the battle is winnable, but I’m sticking with them to the bitter end. Also, plugging them gives me a reason to use a John line as my post title, which guarantees me an increase in traffic. Want to watch my site traffic double today? Observe: “I don’t know Butchie instead”. And there we go. As amazing feats go, that’s slightly more impressive than Uri Geller thinking a shape at us, and way more amazing than correctly predicting that Carmen Electra will assume that somebody is thinking about touching her chest. [Link]

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