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Letter Sent to HBO/TIme Warner

Letter Sent to HBO/TIme Warner
Aug 29, 2007, Posted on HBO forum by appliedpsych

This is a copy of a letter sent to HBO & Time Warner Execs Related to Deadwood and John from Cincinnati Cancellations. I’m a psychologist, thus the lead in paragraph.

Dear HBO & Time Warner Executives:

I’m beginning to become concerned for you. If HBO was a patient, I would look at is as if you have been a high-functioning, successful individual who, inexplicably, has developed a nasty set of self-defeating and self-sabotage behaviors which are alienating everyone around you.

First, you hire creative genius David Milch to develop great shows for you. He creates two great shows, Deadwood, and John from Cincinnati. What does HBO do? They cancel both shows with no audience preparation, no notification, and no explanation.

Now, from what I read online (the Internet is HUGE), you have tasked Mr. Milch to follow on with the development of yet another series, this one about 1970’s cops. Also from what I read, Mr. Milch has taken a forward-looking approach to HBO decisions, and is moving to meet his business agreements with you in a gentlemanly and gracious manner. I am sure that any show that Mr. Milch develops will be great, as all of his shows have been, including Deadwood and John from Cincinnati.

I ask you executives with all sincerity – why should any viewer now take the time and effort to tune in to such a new Milch series? I’m sure you can wordsmith a generic, soothing, and bullshit answer for me, but the reality is, you have no good excuse for your past actions which now puts all new HBO series in jeopardy.

HBO has now set up a clear pattern of behavior in the minds of viewers:

1) Have creative genius develop great show
2) Get viewers interested, excited, and hooked
3) Cancel series unceremoniously with no warning

HBO has been 100% predictable in this pattern with both of their Milch shows, so why would anyone think they would not do so again?…

Read Full Letter

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