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Hit Or Miss II

Started by Sven2, August 11, 2010, 08:43:38 AM

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Bosses are boring, Aniston is in great shape though. I got dozens of movies I'd like to see, but Netflix has no set date for them - what - a year? and then the wait is too freaking long! Amazon Prime is worse, Pay per View costs too much.... :-[

Anyone - any suggestions?
Do no harm


well I saw Super 8 over the weekend with a highly skeptical eye but hey I liked it! The kids are great in this movie and  thoroughly enjoyed it even tho Spielberg produced it... and don't forget to watch the end credits some real surprises there for ya!  :P

@ sven netflix has such a large inventory go for something slightly dated that you haven't seen... which by the way I tried watching the Red Circle a 1970 french crime thriller whew! the sure cure for insomnia! even with Yves Montand!


Ahem, Flower, I grew up on European movies, but the word DATED makes my skin wrinkle! There in the movie you mentioned is also Alain Delon, who used to be the perfect and effeminate star, like Johnny Depp. Why's there two n's in his name though?  :D

On the weekend saw "Tower Heist" and laughed with abandon at some brilliant sparks of dialog.
Do no harm


Netflix brought me "One Fast Move and I'm Gone", the Kerouac documentary. Even with the promise of beautiful Big Sur scenery I couldn't make it through, but maybe it was my attention span more than the film itself. I'll try again.


@skor: wow another kerouac doc? i wasn't aware of that... i'll have to check it out I wonder if they cover his years he lived in my hometown... one of my favorite watering holes in Northport by name of Gunther's advertises itself now as "Jack Kerouac's favorite bar"!! too much!

@sven: well of course you were! and as an absolute film nut I find "foreign movies" vastly superior to just about anything H'wood produces with some rare exceptions! Dubbed flicks are an abomination and should be banned! LOL! Hey did you see where Noomi the girl with the dragon tattoo is in the new Sherlock Holmes flick? i'm really pissed they didn't cast her in the american version of "Girl" she does speak english for god's sake!!


OK feel like I'm talking to myself but here goes anyway: saw Snowflower and the Secret Fan over the weekend... yeah sisterhood is powerful baby! good flick... but it took me halfway thru the movie to figger out that the actresses were playing all four roles... meaning the modern couple and the girls from the late 1800s in China...  ::) then started watching Kundun the life story of the Dalai Lama... couldn't help myself ordered out chinese food... LOL!  :P


Ahem, every man is an island or something, Flower.  8)

I forgot when I read a good, worth a mention, book. "The Art of Fielding" by Chad Harbach is waiting for me at the library - until December 2012 - hahahahahaha! No, seriously, TV is a hungry monster and eat all the time I've got. I try to read back issues of VF that's been piling on my desk for months.  Overdue books incur fines and that can quickly deplete my reader's enthusiasm.

So, please, share with us your reviews, OK?
Do no harm


As you requested: saw Water for Elephants over the weekend... excellent film.. with Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon and goddess bless Hal Halbrook! still working!

also Cowboys and Aliens... i guess i'm easily amused but I greatly enjoyed this film altho some of it is rather predictable... just some fun bang bang shoot em up western sci fi!!

and reading Winter Tale by Mark Helprin (did i already mention this?) anyway i'm about half way thru the book and makes me want to burn every word i've ever written!! LOL!  :P

also reading Barbara Eden's auto-bio Jeannie Out of the Bottle... yes we'll always remember her as Jeannie no doubt but she was in some great flicks and tv shows before and after... turns out Burl Ives was a dirty old man and tried to bed down the young Barbara more than once during the filming of a movie with Tony Randall ironically about a male genie played by Ives... tony of course was a complete gentleman and they tangled only in games of gin rummy...

hey did anyone see Yoko curtsying for the Queen the other week?  8)


Thanks, Flower, Helprin book should be interesting - reincarnation, huh? Put a hold on it at the library, now just have to find my library pass.  :-[

Was watching 'Backbeat' - a retro about Beatles' humble beginning, no time to see to the end, but so far it's been good.
Do no harm


Over the ong weekend: Midnight In Paris: really good flick with a (I hesitate to say it) really good message... Owen Wilson does his best Woody Allen and may have out Woodyed Woody himself. Wow so many of my heros and heroines in this one... here's a quote from Papa himself:

Ernest Hemingway: All men fear death. It's a natural fear that consumes us all. We fear death because we feel that we haven't loved well enough or loved at all, which ultimately are one and the same. However, when you make love with a truly great woman, one that deserves the utmost respect in this world and one that makes you feel truly powerful, that fear of death completely disappears. Because when you are sharing your body and heart with a great woman the world fades away. You two are the only ones in the entire universe. You conquer what most lesser men have never conquered before, you have conquered a great woman's heart, the most vulnerable thing she can offer to another. Death no longer lingers in the mind. Fear no longer clouds your heart. Only passion for living, and for loving, become your sole reality. This is no easy task for it takes insurmountable courage. But remember this, for that moment when you are making love with a woman of true greatness you will feel immortal.



Thought this might be of interest to Mr. OceanFlower...

Friends remember Northport's Freddy Piercey

Originally published: December 26, 2011 11:47 AM
Updated: December 26, 2011 8:02 PM

Photo credit: Cliff Gardiner | Freddy Piercey, 68, was found dead Saturday morning in Northport Harbor.

LI notable deaths Recent notable deaths
The window at Gunther's Tap Room in Northport Village won't be the same without Freddy Piercey stationed at his usual corner chair, waggling his fingers in greeting to his many friends.

"We joked he held up the wall for 30 years," said Debi Curzio, a bartender at Gunther's who counted herself among Piercey's closest friends.

Piercey's body was discovered in Northport Harbor Saturday morning, more than two weeks after he was reported missing after leaving Gunther's on Dec. 6.

PHOTOS: Click here to see other recent LI notable deaths

OBITUARIES: Read all recent obituaries, and place death notices

Suffolk County police said Piercey's death did not appear to be suspicious, but they did not release a cause.

Monday, Northport residents recalled Piercey, 68, who friends said lived on a sailboat in Northport Harbor, as a tough, loyal friend who drummed on his legs and had a penchant for Spam.

Northport resident Tony Corcione sat in Piercey's usual seat at Gunther's Monday -- next to the New York Lottery forms, with a clear view of Main Street out of the window. He said Piercey could often be seen walking around the village, refusing rides that Corcione or others offered him.

"He was his own man," Corcione said. "He didn't ask anybody for anything."

Piercey, who was born above the Northport Sweet Shop in 1943, was estranged from his family, friends said.

But he counted legions among his friends in the village, where he cut a distinctive figure with his long, ZZ Top-style beard and colorful language. His best jibes were reserved for those he truly loved, said another friend, Joseph Norton, of Northport.

"If he didn't call you a rat . . . he didn't love you," Norton said. "He was funny, intelligent and stood his ground."

Piercey's frankness even extended to his brushes with fame -- he used to drink alongside writer Jack Kerouac at Gunther's, but seemed unimpressed, Curzio said. He saved some choice words to describe the "On the Road" author, calling him an "idiot" and worse.

While Piercey was picky about his friends, he adored animals and small children, those who knew him said. He distributed candy outside Gunther's on Halloween this year, much to the delight of Northport's trick-or-treaters.

"Children or animals always gravitated toward him," said Jeanne Goldschrafe, 60, of Northport, who added that she was a longtime friend of Piercey's. "You can't get a better judge than a dog or a kid."

Memorial service details were not available Monday and Piercey's family could not be reached for comment. Curzio said Piercey would have wanted to be cremated, with his remains scattered at Northport's Scudder Beach.

"Freddy lived his life the way he wanted to and Freddy went out the way he wanted to," Curzio said. "And that, my friend, that's key."


yes freddy and i used to raise a little hell back in the day  :(


Can't even remember everything I have read last couple of week, nothing stands out. Gave in to temptation and brought from the library "Hunger Games", have a hold on "So Much Pretty" that was lauded by guys on Deadwood forum where I still lurk...  "The Winter Tale" is a LONG story, Flower, so it sits on my bookshelf....

Feel ready for Kindle! However, noticed a troubling trend - Amazon sells Kindle books for MORE now than their paper copies! It means they will price out books very soon. So maybe we have to turn our  Luddites gene on! "Occupy Kindle" or something like that.  ??? :D  :-[
Do no harm


Winter is in full swing, so new TV shows provide needed respite. I will be watching some, if only for a pilot episode.

"Alcatraz" tonight on Fox - "Lost" cousin
"Touch", Fox, haha - a tender version of Kiefir Sutherland?
"The Lost Girl" tonight on SyFy
"I Just Want My Pants Back" - MTV, 'cause I like the title
"Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23" for the same, title
"The River" - ABC - for Bruce Greenwood and possibly some magic
The Finder - Fox

"House of Lies" on Show is ridiculous to me, Don Cheadle deserves better, the pilot of "The Fades" on BBC America was disappointing.
New season of "Justified" starts tomorrow and "Heel on Wheels" ended its first season last night, I'm glad it's been renewed.

What are you guys watching?
Do no harm


Only my opinion, of course, though here it is.

The Lost Girl is another vampire/zombie/witches/etc flick, the main character is interesting only for her resemblance of Sienna Miller.
Alcatraz hopes to make 304 episodes or something, trying to hunt down every single killer who escaped the island, but it gets old pretty soon. I might watch few more episodes.
The Finder has very unattractive cast, banal plot, isn't worth the time.

Touch is intent on something more than an autistic boy's visions of the future, if it succeeds to show how we all are interconnected and, unknown to us, affect each other and possibly even a planet - that would be great. I liked the pilot and will watch how it will play out.

As I read about Luck - only some parts of the articles, so as not to learn all the twists of its plot, I get the impression that it will be lauded by critics, most of the reviews are in favor, so there is some hope its luck will last more than just one season.They call Milch's screenplay poetic and the whole concept of good karma of kindness is something that we so loved in JFC, so no matter what, I will watch the story, many times if needed, to understand and soak in all the rich undertones. I am sure it will be rewarding.
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