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Hit Or Miss II

Started by Sven2, August 11, 2010, 08:43:38 AM

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thanks skor! first day back to work yesterday ugh! well at least its friday today!! next time you me and svennie make it  to san fran! whaddya say?  8) the city will never be the same guaranteed!!  ;D


You should have waited for me, Ocean! I get home from VT the 3rd, then head to CA on the 5th. I want to hear more about your trip! I dunno about Svennie though, she was right in my town-probably went right by m house, but would she call? would she meet? would she go share some oysters and a cocktail? Nooooooo....


Oh, c'mon, babe! Don't you like mysteries? All is revealed at the end!

Besides, forgiveness is mandatory in summer, just listen to bumblebees........... :-* :-* :-*

Do no harm


@skor: now that's gotta hurt! she's a slippery one that svennie but i have my ways... I've dealt with elusive women before and nothing i like more than a challenge yeah!  :-*  a few highlights: got to meet Jeff Clark who pioneered big wave surfing at Mavericks at Half Moon Bay... he moved his shop to a more visible accessible location but i sure did like the other place... yep hard to find cozy but i understand in these hard economic times ya do what ya gotta do to survive... Jeff is a really cool guy.. a freaking legend in his own time and i felt like i'd known him my whole life when i spoke with him... i'll try to post a pic soon!  found out why the Chinese burn joss sticks to the great Buddha... funny story behind that actually.. more later... monday monday can't trust that day!!  :P  and yes we should all renedvous in SF next year it would be a rip!!


I love the idea of a SF gathering! Let's do it!


@skor: lets see what Mystery Woman has to say for herself...  ::)  but I'm game!  ;)


God willing! 8)

Flower, don't be so skimpy - where're all the details, tastes and scents of Paris on Pacific?

Skor, remember Dangrsmind? From S.-F.? Easy to connect if you wish, he still uses the same handle, I got nostalgic and Googled him.
Oh, what's sexy in the library you visit? Patrons, or the book collection, or a steepled roof? ???
Mine is all matronly, with the youth and children partitions. There's a fountain, a symbol in itself, although children splashing in the water make it innocent. Well, time for everything.

Any exciting summer recipes?

Do no harm


I have been quiet. Mostly because I am experiencing pain and it sucks. I am not very good at ignoring things that keep me from living as I wish. I will soon have to figure out where/when to have my hip replaced with a fake one, it scares me and makes me feel old.

No good recipes right now, maybe soon.
My favorite novel so far this summer is "The Lacuna" by Barbara Kingsolver. Have you read it? It crosses the mexican/U'S border, bring in Trotsky and fida and Diego and H.U.A.C. and the craft of writing. I loved it. Also liked "The Snowman" by Jo Nesbø. It's a big, dark, complex and quite scary Norwegian detective novels. One worth reading, not exactly like Stieg Larsson's work, but engrossing.


@skor: it really has nothing to do with age; case in point: Fourth of July weekend 1965 I failed to negoitiate Dead Man's Curve at a high rate of speed on wet pavement lost control of the 59 Dodge I was driving crossed the lane just barely missing a head on collision hit a huge tree bounced off the tree went thru a fence and almost wound up in someone's living room... my buddy in the back seat got thrown from the car upon impact, he was maybe 16 years of age at the time.. on the way out ripped his hip on the back door wall after the car door had flung open... result? hip replacement sometime in his 20s after developing arthiritis in the bone... shit happens sistah!  so don't feel so old it can happen at any age..  ;)


Sorry, y'all, or guys, "I've been remiss".

Skor, you poor kid, pains come in many disguises, not the reason being celebratory about, take whatever lessens the hurt, be it silence or a double dose of a painkiller!

I finally (like 30years too late :-[) saw The Graduate - OMG, what an outdated family dynamic - THEY (parents) forced the girl to marry?!?
Saw Lawn Dogs, reminded me of American Beauty's bitter sarcasm, and I loved the fairy tale framing.
Got The Fifth Woman by Mankell ( Wallander series author) from the library, didn't open it yet.

Not watching a lot - Breaking Bad, Weeds and with some disbelief at myself, the second season of Haven, with Emily Rose. Watched The Gates, for Chandra West, but it was beyond stupid, ridiculous. Maybe will give Teen Wolf a try, though it's perilously close to the Twilight lore.

Flower, so - where's your S.-F. travelogue? C'mon!

Do no harm


@sven: i have been hand writing my "memoirs" of the trip in a journal so as to not forget everything: however hard to believe that just yesterday 08/11/11 marked one month ago discovering Sausalito... what i wouldn't do to be sitting on the back deck of that little Italian restaurant overlooking the ferry slip gazing across the bay to watch the San Francisco city lights blinking on at dusk... today a month ago i was sitting in my brother's van nursing an infected tooth while the rest of the group were in a greenhouse buying wholesale orchids... the van was parked in front of a small wooden shack that advertised teak wood items open on weekends only naturally.. a huge sitting stone Buddha guarded the front entrance... it was foggy misty cold and i didn't feel so good right then but got out of the van walked over and touched the Buddha on his shoulder.. solid and strong... somone had lain a brilliant purple colored flower in the Buddha's upturned hand in a pose of meditation... I walked back to the van got in shivering... and was so spaced out forgot to take a pic of the great Buddha... next year I will be the one who lays the flower in the Buddha's hand....

and now onto more weighty matters: in an article in the most recent issure of Surfing magazine JFC is named as one of the prime slanderers of surfing! WTF! don't worry... this weekend i am writing a letter lambasting this little punk ass son of a bitch whoever he is... any insights or opinions anyone might want to contribute to my planned rant would be cheerfully accepted... Shaka!   ;)


Such a good read, Flower, you should, no, must continue, please?
Do no harm


Oh sven you're my biggest fan! JUmping ahead to the last night in Cali my brother his wife and I drove over to China Stix in Santa Clara for some take out... the egg foo young omelets there are as big as your head! delish too! Of course there is a heavy Asian influence in this entire area & thru my travels around I was beginning to notice these altars set up near the door ways of every shop or restaurant I entered... some huge and ornate while others were quite modest... for example at the Old Shanghai gift shop on Grant Ave in Chinatown there sat a huge meditating Buddha at the entrance with a great sand filled bowl sitting in front of him where dozens of burned out joss sticks stood up... the Buddha himself was adorned with dollar bills and change of all sorts... at the Asian super market in Milpitas there was a standing Buddha and at his feet stood these neat little pyramids made of apples and oranges... and so at China Stix I noticed behind the counter a small Buddha statue adorned with browning bananas... finally my curiousity got the best of me and I asked the man taking orders what all this meant and basically it is an old tradition to have the Buddha near the doorway of your place of business or home and even the gateway into a village where joss sticks are burned and offerings are made for good luck and wealth.. and as the man explained with a giggle and a shrug, "we offer fruit and vegetables because most of the gods and goddesses are vegetarian"... "Everyday?" I asked as we both glanced at the browning bananas and he shrugged giggling again, "Oh not everday but everyday would be good!" 


'Course I am, although one more "delish" and we part our ways! :D :D :D :D :D :D
Fooling with you, man, no objection even to your lower-case now, see?

Those "Saints" - Monica, Barbara, Catalina... a dreamland - all over, up and down the coast.
Have you met THIS guy in your travels? What do they feed him, I wonder......

Meanwhile, please, more.
Do no harm


hey is that Confucious or however you spell dat! Just as a quick aside... in the local Asian market here in NC i observed the stock guys stacking the shelves with these beautiful tins of all sizes... did a little investigating & inside the tins are what is called Moon Cakes.. some of the larger tins are like $30 a pop and upwards... the smaller ones like $16... yeah pricey... i think what you are really paying for is the ornately decorated tin... anyway come to find out that Sept 12 is the annual celebration of the Moon Goddess of Immortality and part of that celebration is eating Moon Cakes with tea of course! there are actually recipes for moon cakes online with one of the ingredients being "salted duck eggs"!! so do you salt the duck before it lays the eggs or what? LOL! anyway today is payday so i may spring for some of these moon cakes... the Chinese call this a "mid autumn celebration" but according to my round eye calendar its still summer right?? are the seasons reversed in Asia like Australia or what? for example there's a Spring festival at the end of the round eye calendar month of January and beginning of February... sheesh shoulda paid more attention in geography instead of trying to look up that cheerleader's mini skirt huh?   :-*

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