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Hit Or Miss II

Started by Sven2, August 11, 2010, 08:43:38 AM

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I'm presently reading Townie by Andre Dubus III about his experiences growing up in some rather tough neighborhoods & turning himself into a street fighter... pretty grim but I can relate! When I read this some of my ancient scars start itching! LOL!

Just read Life by Keith Richards--what a book! Keef is a trip and what makes it so good is he doesn't take himself so seriously... he tells the readers how to get off on heroin after kicking for awhile without overdosing; his personal recipe for bangers and mash (sausages and potatoes); his obession with shepherd's pie; his long standing love affair with Ronnie Bennett Spector, the real story about falling out of the "palm tree" and snorting his dad's ashes... and yes, obviously he doesn't like the way Mick Jagger shits cause he rips him a new asshole! Keef made an interesting statement to wit: Mick and I are not friends. We are brothers! insightful i say old boy! I really thought it was gonna be one dope and sex scene to the next but its not like that at all.. i was so impressed with it I bought a copy on amazon for my personal rock and roll library plus a funny little book called What Would Keith Do? funny as hell!

I am also side reading A Season in Hell a book by Robt Greenfield about the Stones living in Nellcote France while they recorded Exile on Main Street; Keef discounts a lot of this book as myth but still interesting yeah!



You two are NOT the only ones on this site! :D ::) :'( :) ;D
Have you seen "Island of Lost Children"? I was watching it on the train to NJ, am about to watch the ending.


hey skor! been hibernating! as much as i complain about the south its 82 degrees here today! suh-wheat!  ;D


Skor, so you've broke through, hooray!
Is that "City of Lost Children" maybe? How does it end? If sad - I'm not going to watch.  :o Someone compared it with  "Tango", another  great movie.

Flower, ain't you a lucky gent! We had wet and heavy snow yesterday. The only good thing - it's washed off by rain.
To follow your lead, I  bought Robert Bly book "Iron John" at the library book sale, for $2! (Stories from ancient times about masculinity and initiation). That's the way of shopping!  :D :D :D :D :D :D
Do no harm


Let's see over the weekend saw The Tourist... can't figger out what the big deal is... Johnny and Angelina could've called their parts in... Angie is of course lovely but i feel like she walked thru the movie just trying to look beautiful okay we know that how about acting a little bit? Johnny? wow that haircut is like from 1971 and I almost have the feeling he's playing the same part over and over again... I much more enjoyed Angie in Salt.... Johnny as Dillinger... but you be your own judge..

Due Date: okay what was Robert Downy Jr doing in this movie? I like Zach what is name from the Hangover but again he seemed to be playing the same role again... and Robert? wow his ability as an accomplished actor was so evident it was almost embarassing... basically it was Train Planes and Automobiles without the train and the plane...

Inspector Bellamy: okay I keep falling asleep on this one but its a french thriller w/ Gerard Depardieu as the inspector wow he's gone totally Marlon Brando and gotten huge! the actress that portrays his wife is absolutely lovely... stay tuned for an update!


Yes, Sven, I kkep saying "island", but I know it is "City". I still haven;t sent ot back. I haven't watched anything new, finally go to see "Never Lte Me Go", and while on NJ saw "The King's Speech."

The President's Speech


OMG, it's so much better than Colin Firth! Thanks, Skor. (I also fixed the video, hope you don't mind) I see you're on your old computer.  :D Lovely, brings back memories of our late night exchanges on the BB. Good old times, eh?

Ok, on the subject of the thread. Highly recommend "In China They Eat Dogs", black comedy, I think it's Dutch.  Filmed with complete seriousness, Grand-Guingole style, hilarious. Quentin Tarantino must be green with envy. Its moral relativism is redeemed by the artistic merit and - the higher power itself!  8)

"Unknown woman" - Italian thriller, the plot is very brutal and overwrought, but the story of a woman's quest is a foolproof way to keep the audience involved until the end.

Last 2 episodes of "Justified" are ridiculous, what for the screenwriters made Raylan's ex to take the money? It's out of character and doesn't make sense at all.

Later, guys, good talking to you.
Flower, what about a story, any story? Come on, you've got hundreds of'em! :-*

Skor, are your kids in Big Sur still on their own? That's exciting for the young and healthy, how are the oldsters and the sick though.  I saw the broken bridge in the news days ago, thought to ask you about your boys and hadn't, sorry. News are troubling all over the world.

Do no harm


yes i never did finish the gumball caper soon come!


Saw first 2hr episode of 'Borgias' on Show. Traditional, no surprises there, but very compressed to satisfy Hollywood standards and hold the audience fleeting attention. Heavily costumed, good looking women, sword fights.

First episode of 'Killing' (AMC) is interesting. The main character, a woman detective is a "red herring", doesn't look very attractive, that makes her believable.
It's already compared with Twin Peaks, in the way how everyone has something to hide, all the secrets I suppose will be gradually revealed. Constant rains of Seattle add some oppressive tension. I will definitely watch that story develop.
Do no harm


I would like to watch "Killing", but I would really like to watch the Danish version. Hope I can find it somewhere.


Nah, I love it fresh from the editing room, my nightly TV lullabies. Besides the remakes are in vogue (hahaha).

Saw "As It Is In Heaven", Michael Nyqvist from "The Girl" trilogy acting was somewhat irritating. Maybe it was his pockmarked face - I guess Hollywood' beauty on demand corrupted me already.
Do no harm


No time for anything, but I managed to DVR "Game of Thrones", got to the middle of a thriller about Katrina and New Orleans and saw "Source Code". My thoughts to follow soon (if anyone cares to read  of course ! 8) :o :D )
Do no harm


What a costumed drag so far is "Game of Thrones"! Not a single fresh character, I'd discount a prince dwarf as such. The dialog is bland as porridge, the occasional scenes of sex and blood are painfully predictable, and the whole episode leaves the aftertaste of a stale affair.   But, on the other hand, I couldn't make myself like "True Blood", so what do I know. Just IMHO, as they say.
Do no harm


went to an open air concert last nite featuring Greg Allman as the opener with Steve Miller following... what an incredible show... no matter what your music tastes might be I strongly recommend if Allman-Miller pass through your town that you go to this concert... Greg of course was his usal laid back self but Steve wow! I danced I sang I clapped til my hands got sore but whew I ain't 24 years old anymore and the old man is tired this morning but still carrying the buzz inside of me.... rock on y'all  8)


Anybody alive out there???  ???

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