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A Bit of Everything

Started by Sven2, July 13, 2010, 03:02:13 PM

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Ocean- Glad to hear you are OK!!!!!!!!!


Do no harm


thanks ladies! they also gave me some instructions on what to do in order to "hide" the scar, creams and whatnot... I laughed and said, Hey i'm an Italian from New York.. I want that scar to show!  :-*


Hey! anybody alive out there! in an unusual circumstance overtime available at work so living like a miner again... BTW Carl Gardner the lead singer of the Coasters passed away on Sunday... the last one!

The Coasters - Searchin'

Keep on dancing!  8)


Flower, what, overtime in summer?  :o  When the sun is high and the girls wear next to nothing? ???
Do no harm


@Sven   :D yes I know how uncharacteristic of me eh? but saving $$$ for my vacay in San Francisco and points north in Cali this July so yeah when the sun is shining and I know those young nubile girls are oiling themselves down at poolside and I'm stuck at my cube under the flourescents all afternoon and Saturday too I keep thinking of Grant Ave in Chinatown Mavericks the Redwoods and Mt Lassen among other things and of course the young nubile California girls oiling themselves down at poolside... suh-wheat!  :P  :-*  8)


Ocean- When are you heading to CA? I am about to book my trip-by I'm thinking of going a bit later this year because I have an opportunity to see John Waters at the Henry Miller. But unlike past years, we will fly into SFO and spend a few days in the north. Should be good.


Leaving here July 9 wow John Waters I was reading his latest book Role Models but got bogged down and had to return it to the library I should get that one out again... when is the Henry Miller??    ;)


@skor: how was John Waters you never said??  :-*

RIP Cliff Robertson!  :(

Tenth Anniversary of 09/11: My people in NYC tell me its like deja vu all over again... armed soldiers with fully automatic weapons patrolling the streets... search checkpoints at the most sensitive areas and I wouldn't even think about flying out of NYC today! How do we put an end to the madness??? A few more years in Irag and we will have reached Viet Nam proportions... how long oh Lord how long?  :(


Hey Ocean! Welll, after being all excited about going to see John Waters I never went to the show. It was full moon so we went for cocktails at Nepenthe and I started thinking about how the show was $80.00 for a 90 minute show and while I had been looking forward to it, my enthusiasm was lagging, but I thought Thierry really, really wanted to go case he is so much more into Waters than I am. But he was also thinking that our money might be better spent eating and drinking, so we went to the drum circle instead and I don't regret that one bit. Later that night we went to Fernwood (bar) and I met the guy who had paid $1500 for a one on one dinner with waters and he was totally psyched, but his friend who had only been at the show said it was good but not great. The show I would have loved was
                 but that was also $80.00. A bit much, but it was something really different.  A few days before I got to Big Sur the Red Hot Chili Peppers played at the Henry Miller for free, from what I hear that was the best concert ever, ever. I had a rather amazing trip this year. Excellent.


I've been absent - had to stay very close for few weeks and finally say goodby to our dog. Not much else can be said about it, for words are useless and sound fake, besides we all know losses, only every time to carry on is a little more difficult.
Now I'm looking for a puppy, trying to replace pain with hope, in its endless circle of ends and beginnings. 

Good to see that someone - one or two - still find time and desire to post on the BB.

Cheers, Skor, Flower and Trishah. If anyone else been checking in - please, speak up!
Do no harm


1500 bucks to talk to John Waters??? man the girls on the street don't even charge that much! LOL! it seems outrageous to me that in these difficult economic times these entertainers and celebs and sports players charge so much for so very little in return! and yet people flock to these events and shell out the cash like its going outta style! am i missing something? my big event for the year aside from visiting SF was the live concert in April with Steve Miller and Greg Allman... I toyed with the idea of seeing Huey Lewis but its an outdoor venue and it was like 116 degrees at the time... Al Pacino was in town giving a talk and the nose bleed seats were 75 bucks a pop while the good seats were up in the 150-200 range... really Al? Say hello to my little friend!!  :P

Water Lily

Quote from: Sven2 on May 10, 2011, 12:56:04 PM
Is that Eastern time or some other, Flower? Is it over now?
Don't worry, the worst you'll get would be a terrible itch under the bandage, when the new skin starts to grow. Imagine it's on your back where you can't reach it, - torture!

Did they give you some nice pills? Like, you know....?  :P

Be well, man.
I have had the basal and the squamous... I find out tomorrow if I go under the knife, if so I hope I am in good hands with the specialist they are sending me to.  Unfortunately I have the type with a 30 percent chance of always coming back... it's in my genes!  keep your eye on it flower, where theres one theres sure to come another...and wear a hat, melanoma of the brain is being seen alot more in men.... just sayin!


Water Lily, good luck tomorrow, hope it's a minor problem, not a big scare.
Do no harm

Water Lily

had a biopsy and full check up...  :'(

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