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Barry's Bar & Motel

Started by FarleyFarls, December 11, 2007, 11:08:45 AM

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This long forgotten thread is the most alive.
The motel, that's closed for the winter, like many northern seaside places. Just needs the windows open to let the air in, few new light bulbs, fresh bed sheets and it is ready for the next season.

Oh, who am I kidding. 'The motel is haunted, at least room 24 is haunted'. That's the same Barry's dreamt up theater, never opened its doors, the 'theater of our resentment'.

But, you know, I do not care anymore. That's my place, and I've tried to settle in many others. Never found a replacement for what is still here, what will always be here. As Barry said, 'after a 20 years interlude in Azusa, I'm returned to Imperial Beach'.

I think I won't be kicked out of here.
Barkeep, turn the TV off. Armstrong or Coltrane, or anyone you want. I am not picky.
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I'm busy here, wiping the cobwebs and restocking the bar.
Some rooms would be permanently closed, why bother those lost souls that stayed there, but the bar is open. Like Butchie's housing unit, open 24 hours.

And the jukebox works...
Anyways, a Christmas song for you all.

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'Let's say Link... '

John and all the motel denizens and witnesses of his visit to IB suddenly got frozen in time. That's not very difficult to imagine, is it?

The JFC, being full of 'ancient wisdom' [Cissy], these prescient little quips, has of course, one for a time lapse, with a little numbers tweak. 'Think you overcame a milestone in stride. Next thing it's 15 years later and you've been napping from unrecognized stress.'- Palaka

Now, after the long absence, they are returned to the same place. The motel is demolished, the old relations scattered in the wind, the world's in the state they didn't expect to see it.

I often ponder, how each of these people would chose their way in this new America. Which path would they follow?

Don't you?

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Let's throw a wrench in the works.
Let's take one more step possibly leading into these now wildly popular 'multiverses'.

Everyone from the original JFC is back. But! Not the innocent instigator, the Don Quixote, the childlike beta model of super-intelligence, John. If it soothes your heart, an angel. He is not returning.

And again, it wouldn't be too difficult to imagine, knowing what's happening IRL, as the genXYZ, or whatchamacallit would say.

What then? What would our heroes do?
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No need to travel in time that far, not yet.

All Further Days Of John From Cincinnati scenes written after HBO canceled the show were building on the premise of John presence in Imperial Beach.  Our sequel fervently tried to hold on to the dream.

What happens when our characters give up, wake up and join the daily grind?

I got some rather misanthropic ideas about that, prepare to be disappointed.

'I'll take care of it my birthday after next' - Palaka
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Who dived in to hold the stature's hand - Shaun, Kai or Butchie? Hmm....

Christ of the Abyss by Guido Galletti in San Fruttuoso, Italy.
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Who's to say it's not a malevolent aliens' ship?
No, not aliens!
What Are Lightning Sprites? Magic in the Skies!
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Marc Ostrick says he filmed 13 episodes of JFC.
"John From Cincinnati, 13 episodes, TV Series 2006 – 2007 (executive producer/director/co-editor)"

Here's the link to Ostrick Production company filmography: 

Remember, we run campaigns, fund-raised money for ads in Hollywod Reporter, bird seeds, tried crowdfunding the second season of JFC.
Those were the times.

I so wish to get a peek at the films Mark Ostrick might keep. They could be stored in HBO vaults for what we know.
Copyright be damned. With the HBO.

Where's the time machine.

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Makes one wonder, were some NDAs signed at the end of JFC filming? Are they usually signed in the entertainment industry? Is that even customary for such companies as HBO?

If not, then - hypothetically!- would anyone who had assess to the filmed and unreleased JFC scenes be able and willing to reveal some of their content? As an interview, let's say, for Vulture, Hollywood Reporter, Alan Sepinwall, James Poniewosik or anyone with the clout and interest? Or off the record? Or in a clandestine 'Deep Throat' style underground garage meeting? 

Imagination runs wild. 
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What if that time has now come?
To discover what happened in the IB after John vanished for good. 
Do we need to hear a narrator 'tell us something pretty'- as Swearengen grumbles to himself scrubbing blood off the floor in his saloon for the umpteenth time?

Who can take this responsibility? Not myself, no please no. Mitch, 'the big realist'- in the words of Cissy?

The comfort of any fictional story is in its impermanence. What's written, can be edited, deleted, replaced. There are as many writers as there are people in the world.

Let's say...

to be continued.........
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What, no takers?
Walkara, Shrek, Spirit, the Founders?
Waxon, Skor, Captain?
Patrick/Myles, Eccles, Ray, Backinthegame, Cassie?
Notorious CC, Ciao Cinzano?
Who knows where they are keeping silence.

"In downward dog position".
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What an out of this world (not exactly!) discovery I've just made browsing the JFC sprawling settlement.
Nothing in the JFC world is dead, and the proof is in the pudding, i.e. the thread What Are You Laughing At.
Funny little thing, been quietly chugging along here all that time, without a single soul around.

And here is another one widget, still working, Huntington Beach live camera.

In summary, as a wise man once said, manuscripts don't burn. Certain political movements be damned.
As to the time or times... we'll see. Could we turn the clock back? Who knows.
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