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Barry's Bar & Motel

Started by FarleyFarls, December 11, 2007, 11:08:45 AM

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Wishing you happiness and joy on your Birthday today and every day Trishah, love you


Trishah, Happy Birthday and best wishes, hope we'll celebrate many more birthdays here together. Love.
Do no harm


Trishuh, Happy belated birthday,  @ Sven, yes it's complicated, but it works for me :D

(SHOUT OUT) to Patrick and Cissy stop by and bless us with your presence.

To all who reads this has a wonderful day.. cya=soon. :)


Good morning.  Today is Superbowl Sunday YEAH!   GOOOO STEELERS


Hope everyone has a great day. I'm heading out of town for a day of shopping and hanging out w/ my mother....
great weather in my part of the country!


Here it is still freezing, windy and cold. People are getting a bit stir crazy. The ice is the worst. I hope you have a good day with your mom, Cassie.


wow we must be getting old now we're talking about the weather but what the hell! much like early spring here sun warm but air still a tad chilly but feels good to get the hell out of doors; walked six miles; doc says i gotta take a low carb diet & lo & behold the four boxes of girl scout cookies i ordered arrived! sigh!


Nah, Ocean, talking about the weather is middle aged. Old is when you talk about your digestive system and things like that. Your doctor said low carb? That surprises me, complex carbs are good for you. Girl Scout cookies not so much. When I worked for my sister her manufacturing space was in the bakery that made girlscout cookies. her boss had developed the mint for thin mints. We ate so many cookies I can't even look at them. By the way, they have cut many corners in their formulas, the cookies now are not what they once were. Yes, they are a tradition, but they really are quite vile. If you really want to feel better at lose some weight, look at the new Weight Watchers program. I have on it for a few weeks and while I have only lost a couple of pounds, I feel much better. It is a way of eating, not a diet like cutting out carbs. The trouble with counting carbs is one big meal of pasta or a garlic pizza and not only does the weight come back, but it is torture to start all over again.


Morning Skorda and flower... i agree w/ skorda.  I am winning at the losing weight game.  EXERCISE,,, I know the weather is hindering that part of losing for some.  I've found exercising and just cutting down is the best way.  Yes, you feel much better, I have tried for 2 years and it's finally starting to tone up....
I started stocking my freezer w/ Brussels sprout and broccoli , they have been approved by weight watchers... Oh and don't forget WATER, at least 3 bottles a day... I did not know that about Girl Scout cookies... I stayed away from them, thankfully


Good for you, Cassie! Exercise is one of those important pieces, I think one of the reasons I gained weight so quickly was my arthritis suddenly made it difficult to get out there and walk. The arthritis is slightly better, but I still cannot walk very well.   I do get to the gym these days. but I'm going to have to do more, I have only lost a couple of pounds and I need to lose more. I make a big pot of vegetables every other morning- carrots, celery, onions, cabbage, kale, spinach and brussels sprouts. Then I pour vegetable broth and some spices over them and cook. I eat some before every meal and throughout the day when I m hungry. I still eat regular meals, but what I think has slowed my weight loss is eating out so often, at least 3 or 4 times a week. No fast food, but still it can be difficult to keep it light and healthy when ordering anything except raw oysters!


thanks ladies! yes being trapped in a flourescent lit cube for 8-9-10 hrs a day dont help


Flower yes the cube doesn't help but I would like you to know-------you have always inspired me to exercise. 

skorda fortunately  I hung on to my treadmill, so i don't have to rely on mother-nature, and a doctor told me that making it a lifestyle change was the key to staying in shape.   So to everybody out there, good luck w/ getting healthy.

Another beautiful day,  highs around 50 degrees.. I will take these dayz of sun, for it's sure to change.




Quote from: OceanFlower on February 13, 2011, 11:16:31 AM
moi?  ???


I awoke this morning @ 5:36 am--Just poof I was wide eyed ???out of a dream I can barely recall... so far a slow day..


 :o I feel so bored today. I even went to the gym. It tired me out just enough that I don't feel like moving.I think cabin fever is setting in. Up til now it wasn't too bad to wrap up in a down quilt and read or play computer games or watch a movie. Now all of that is getting old, but the air outside is still frigid. And the wind is blowing. I am looking forward to spring, but I know how quickly the spring and summer will pass and then we'll be back here again in the dark cold blah. We are going to take my father out to dinner, so that is something, but it is always the, eat and more eat. OK I feel better now, thanks.

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