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Barry's Bar & Motel

Started by FarleyFarls, December 11, 2007, 11:08:45 AM

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I was locked out, so reregistered as skordalia.

Here is the link to Tammy's obituary and memory book.


Thank you posting for the link, Farls.

SaveJFC Admin

Will someone write up something for a special tribute page about Tammy and her work here that can be linked to?

Work here, Cass.


Hi Everyone
I just wanted to be with you all, read your words together.
I wanted you all to know, without Tammy, I never would have become
part of this special family. I was extremely computer limited when JFC started,
I was reading everything, every day, but I could never manage to post myself, that is,
until Tammy called me one night to help me find my way around, my way to all of you.
She called the next night and the next. She was just there for me, she
didn't know me from Adam, yet she heard me trying to reach out to all of you, and
she helped me do it. Thanks Tammy, for bringing me to this home, for being my friend.
I'll see you after~
A lonesome high
A funny time cry
The blues
The blues
The blues


Anyone remember Tammy's signature.  Cissyand I were trying to remember. It went something like ' Living in the present with no worries..???" can't remember the rest?  If anyone can remember please let us know!

SaveJFC Admin

Quote from: laurel on December 08, 2010, 07:36:03 PM
Anyone remember Tammy's signature. 

Her MySpace page says:
QuoteLive today and this moment as if it were your last.
Work here, Cass.


I think there was "present is all we have". I wish Eccles were here to bring Tammy's credo into wider cultural context, as it relates to Tao, some theories of time, etc. Great question, Rhonda! Yes, we tend to forget, and to forget fast, although perhaps it is the way to move forward.
Do no harm


Deeply saddened by Tammy's passing,
I feel as though I lost a sister. a small tribute to her is on my FB and it may be the last thing I put there.
I love you my JFC family,
Peace and well wishes to you all



Thanks save, sven and Patrick.... patrick good to hear from you...long time?
yes we will all miss her, she touched many people.  i have been ill so not doing much and seeing you three here, well this makes my day. Thanks


Quote from: Sven2 on December 10, 2010, 11:43:22 AM
I think there was "present is all we have". I wish Eccles were here to bring Tammy's credo into wider cultural context, as it relates to Tao, some theories of time, etc. Great question, Rhonda! Yes, we tend to forget, and to forget fast, although perhaps it is the way to move forward.

I cannot recall having chatted with chatangel but I see that she and actor, W. Earl Brown, shared the same hometown.

I don't remember the quote or sig-line. What I do know is that it seems right to me. (See what's in front of you, not what you want to see is how you get 13 safe-deposit boxes.") They say atoms are 99.9 percent empty space. I know I seem to spend a similar percentage of my time thinking either about the future or the past, neither of which exist the last time I checked. Sometimes I think that if we ever get to the state of being fully aware in the present moment we might wake up in Cincinnati.


"Living in the present with no worries about the future"
That's as close as I can get. It must be archived somewhere, right admins?

But you're right Eccles, that was the essence of her sig line.
I truly hope that she was in that space when she went to sleep that
night. No, I take that back. I'm choosing to believe that is the space she was in.

Very helpful to see you guys posting at the bar, painful, but it helps, no one is gone
if they are remembered, and clearly, many will remember this sister.
A lonesome high
A funny time cry
The blues
The blues
The blues

SaveJFC Admin

I've spent an hour trying to find Tammy's signature in old emails and on the web and I can't find anything other than what we already have.  I can't find her on FaceBook, maybe some one who is her friend there can see if it's on that profile?
Work here, Cass.


Trishah, there's nothing about Tammy's signature on hew FB page, but it looks complete to me now. We, together, figured it as best as it gets.

Do no harm


Quote from: Eccles on December 13, 2010, 10:50:59 AM
I know I seem to spend a similar percentage of my time thinking either about the future or the past, neither of which exist the last time I checked. Sometimes I think that if we ever get to the state of being fully aware in the present moment we might wake up in Cincinnati.

As Ludwig Wittgenstein said, "Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present."

And there is the problem: abstract theories are somewhat distant from the tragedies and joys of the everyday life. Can we live by them? 
Do no harm


Quote from: Sven2 on December 16, 2010, 12:58:02 PM

As Ludwig Wittgenstein said, "Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present."

And there is the problem: abstract theories are somewhat distant from the tragedies and joys of the everyday life. Can we live by them? 

I find living as much as I can in the present the only truly real and non-abstract way I can be happy. Poltical theories, on the other hand, I find abstract. And fuckin' taxes. Them too.

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