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Barry's Bar & Motel

Started by FarleyFarls, December 11, 2007, 11:08:45 AM

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Lovely, Skor, thank you, the lyrics are especially captivating. Whole ten minutes of Eagles!
Do no harm


I want to watch "John From Cincinnati"....anyone else?????? It's been too long!
Tricia? Is it possible?

SaveJFC Admin

So sorry to be away for so long!  I've got several sites launching and three in development so I'm really busy!

We can do another retrospective using the Chat Room.  What is needed is we need to determine how it will run.  Like: two episodes every Sunday night.  Or one every night of the week.  Or some other configuration.

Anyone have any preference?
Work here, Cass.


  Hi Admin, how have you been? We've looked for you... you aren't there... maybe we're looking at the wrong time?
It's good to see some folks checking in here, I haven't been around, as in, not finding me in my room or the mirror, but I'm starting to see shapes and a few colors now, so I came looking for my old friends, everywhere! I am glad I found my way back to this spot where I see some of you stopping by looking for each other too.
I certainly do miss you all. Someone please, tell me where the conversation is happening? I get a bit of a message on the frige feeling here, no yakking back and forth like we used to do. Miss you all.
OH! I found a very old friend I'd lost all contact with through the internet, and would you believe? She sure wishes she knew we were here when JFC was showing, she said she had to tell the people she was around that JFC was worth their time and effort, and is very sorry she missed us and the experience we had. Nice to still be finding people out there who saw what we saw. When I say old friend, I mean we've known each other since we were 6. Her, and her and me were the only people around to play with, there weren't any other houses around.  She sent me an old photo of us at one of her birthdays, probably 7, if I can get it scanned and into my computer somehow, I'll share with you all. I see you have an icon for insert picture, so I'll give that a try.

Sven, I was inspired by the heat to write a very short poem the other night, I will find that, it was a spontaneous thing that just came out at the end of an email to my old neighbor, it's stayed with me as I didn't really like one or two of the words placements, so when I bring it here for you, that will be worked out, who knows? In the working out, perhaps it will become a become a longer poem.

Miss you all. The box won't let me write anymore   o-<
A lonesome high
A funny time cry
The blues
The blues
The blues


is this the cissy i think it is??  ???


hey ocean flower with the big wave avatar! what? like you know another cissy? lol   8)
A lonesome high
A funny time cry
The blues
The blues
The blues


why yes I do...  ;)  altho that cissy usually goes by the full name of "cissy yost" yeah!


Hi there Ocean, it's funny to call you that, one of my closest friends daughter's name is Ocean, Osh (not like overalls), that's what I've always called her. Her last name, seriously, was Seigel.
Her folks were from Indiana, come to california to drop acid they said. That was a long time ago, she's married twice now, and she isn't ocean sea gull anymore. :) You're Osh now.

At the top of my box here it says warning - in red letters, some one has posted something.
I wonder what the correct thread would be to share the weird experience we had coming home tonight. As we headed north on our road, we saw in the distance, maybe 2 miles away ?
There was a great green glowing flash, oblong, close to the ground ahead of us, then 3 smaller explosions of the same sort. The light was exactly like the borealis lights, but on the ground, and circular or oblong. Fire trucks rushed past us to close our road, took us over an hour to get in our house!!!  I heard it was a car hit the big power transformer place, then a cop said it was a downed power line. While we were driving around wondering how to get home to John and Cass, we were headed west and I saw the same type of explosion coming from the ocean, only it was faint purple faded to white. The original explosions were to the north. So, kinda weird, huh? We looked up power line outages and transformer explosions on You Tube, none were even near the size of the things we saw.
It was strange, still feels strange.
Strange but True thread? lol Good to see everyone!!!
A lonesome high
A funny time cry
The blues
The blues
The blues


Cissy, that could be an alien ship you saw, the probability is not zero! Can't be that in such vast universe we are all alone, although we are on the outskirts of it and not very advanced, but the planet we got, oh, it's beautiful, isn't it?
Stop worrying about the right or wrong thread, every single one is right. Open a new one if you wish so, OK?
Do no harm


I actually had a dream about John last night, it has been a very long time since that happened. I used to find all of our I.B. friends in Dreamland just about every night but now it has been months and months, I woke up happy.


Hi Svennie~
I really think it could have been something out of the ordinary, like aliens! When everyone plus me goes searching for news of this oddity, that so many people saw, there is no
word. Anywhere, at all. I would never trust my own searching skills online, but when my kid or my mentor, my beloved M, do the searches and they come up with nothing too, I'm really
inclined to believe something strange happened here. Not a statie in site, I thought odd, not on site or monitoring the freeway exit either. So, that was strange. I heard Michio Kaku say the other night that we'd have to convince aliens that we were interesting enough to visit.
Thanks for the any thread is the right thread, I get confused, and now I won't worry.

Hey Skor, it's good to see you here. How you doing with the ice? I hate the ice, but it does work. I truly hope your back is better now. If not now, then right away!

I've had a wonderful time reading here, old posts so far, good discussions, saving up some further adventures for a good rainy day, which in October we ought to have a few of, but no,
the weather lady keeps saying it's going to be warmer the next few days. Pout. I hope folks want to watch John again, I really want to. Patrick has posted the 'sermon' elsehwhere, it was good to hear again. I used to watch it every night, every single night before trying sleep. Thanks again Patrick :)
A lonesome high
A funny time cry
The blues
The blues
The blues


 I was cleaning my closet and found a folded piece of paper on the floor, it looked like one of these "TO DO" lists:

"1. Collect and send to HBO all positive reviews. 2. Rich investors (?) 3. Find contacts on the inside!"

Couldn't remember when was it written, I think must be some time in the fall of 2007, when we were still fighting for JFC and hoping it would get finished.  Times long gone...

Do no harm


Every time I'd  make a decision not to check this place (what's the point, the story is lost, people are mostly committed to memory, life has so much to offer, time's not standing water, - the endless string of valid reasons!) I see that someone is still reading the posts. By accident? By design? What are those people seeking here? I wish I believed it is the promise of JFC, even that it's just one more imagined seascape in Cincinnati.

Whoever they are, they read. So there must be something for them to read. We are open 24/7.
Do no harm


Hi everybody. Here we are another Halloween. I remember the year we were posting monad costumes, seems so very long ago. I just wanted to connect, with there were others here in the bar cause I don't like to drink alone. so I will down my Roy Rogers and be on my way. I think of you all.

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