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Barry's Bar & Motel

Started by FarleyFarls, December 11, 2007, 11:08:45 AM

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Limoncello martini, Sven? Is that just limoncello with vodka? Sounds quite strong, but delicious. Like a lemon drop. I made limoncello one year using this recipe:
It takes 80 days. I did not use 100 proof vodka, enough is enough. A little buzz is pleasant, but a sledgehammer drunk is notHas anyone here tried Luxardo maraschino? I got some to mave aviation cocktails, but then I discovered the ultimate maraschino cherries
can be made by soaking fresh cherries in the liqueur. They have to macerate for awhile, I've got a batch soaking for holiday gifts. All this alcohol talk, if it weren't 6:30 am, I would fix a Bloody Mary!
It's going to be a scorcher. I do not work today, what are you up to, nearby Sven? Want to go bowling or to a late afternoon matinee at the Jane Pickens? "Get Low" or "Girl Who Played With Fire"? Have you been through Colt State Park yet? Great place to fly a kite! Or meet me!
It really might be fun to break away and write some craziness.
Has the storm hit by you yet, Waxon? It is early here, but all ready hot. Better than cold, but not easy to get moving in this weather.



Rip tide, beach closings for tomorrow. The summer's gone.

80 days for Limoncello,  Skor, you are not kidding? A recipe that requires that long to mature or ripen or what the heck it's called, better be terrific. Thank you for the links, that is kind of you!

How's the "Brokeback" allusion derived from "The Lord of the Rings" I can't figure out, though I shouldn't say anything,  because I never could force myself to watch more than 5 min of "The Lord of whatever", it's a pompous pseudo-epic to me. As to "Brokeback", I think Heath Ledger work is of the highest caliber.  It is interesting that the story is written by a woman, and another woman co-authored the screenplay.

Hope to watch the swell tomorrow from Brenton Point or from somewhere high up on a cliff, in Jamestown maybe. To end the summer on a high note, so to speak. 
Do no harm

SaveJFC Admin

Thanks for sharing the "Brokeback" video!  I'd heard about it but never saw it before.  Very well done.
Work here, Cass.

SaveJFC Admin

Hey... Guess what?

We have gone over the 200,000 page view mark!

 ;D  ;D    :D       ;)    ;D ;D

Work here, Cass.


is there anybody out there?
just nod if you can hear me
is there anyone at home?


Speaking of Angels...Prayers and positive energy headed your way strong


Quote from: zippyfan on September 08, 2010, 09:50:29 AM
is there anybody out there?
just nod if you can hear me
is there anyone at home?



Hi ZFan! 

Sorry,.... I was receding.   8)


That was some looong dead silence here, right Zippy, must be times a'changing, you know, back to school, paying bills, fading to fall.
Waxon, is that Pink Floyd, eh? No, no, no, no quitters, no receding, a leave of absence is OK. Everyone, please, don't forget to check in, don't get us all worried.

Do no harm

SaveJFC Admin

So we have some other night birds here huh?  Great!  I didn't wake up until 7:30pm... serves me right for not getting to bed until 11:00am huh.  That's what happens after years of working at home for yourself!
Work here, Cass.


Hi, how's every one doin these days?
Miss you all, guess I'll go looking for you elsewhere, hope to see you guys here soon :)
A lonesome high
A funny time cry
The blues
The blues
The blues

SaveJFC Admin

Hi Cissy,

We pop in at irregular times so do keep trying.  :)
Work here, Cass.


Quote from: Sven2 on September 09, 2010, 01:44:10 AM
Waxon, is that Pink Floyd, eh? No, no, no, no quitters, no receding, a leave of absence is OK. Everyone, please, don't forget to check in, don't get us all worried.

No, no it  was just a joke.  This is me checking in.  

(and stopping by for a night cap)


Great, Waxon, have three cups! OK, what if we add something to "checking in", like maybe, a weather report, or let's say, a name of a favorite sport team, or - any irrelevant stuff that comes to one's head without an effort, huh? Wanna try that?
Oh, that's so hard,  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D!
Frankie J- Don't Wanna Try
Do no harm

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