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Barry's Bar & Motel

Started by FarleyFarls, December 11, 2007, 11:08:45 AM

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SaveJFC Admin

Hello All!

Yes it me!  I'm not lost just... feel like a broken record saying this but... very busy. 

My sleep cycle is all crazy so I got up around 11pm, started working around midnight, and here it is 9:30am and I'm just starting to think about having dinner.  Ugh!  I am getting a lot of work done and my creative juices are flowing so I'm feeling  really good about the work I'm doing.

My respite is my DVR and my hobby is finding the Imperial Beach gang on other shows.  I'm glad to see so many have done so well!  Dr. Smith has a sit-com of all things, Tina is a witch at odds with vampires and warewolves, Freddie is a sheriff stuck between his badge and a biker gang, Cass is FBI trying to solve the mystery of Haven, Butchie is collecting alimony from a cougar, Dickstein is a brilliant con man, Ramon is on parole and trying to go straight, Bill is married to a hottie from Columbia, Vietnam Joe hunting deamons and... well what ISN'T he doing!... am I missing anyone?

Well, I've gotta go stoke the fires and I think I'll make a chicken salad for breakfast... I mean dinner... I mean.... ahh shoot....  I'm gonna go eat now  ;D

Work here, Cass.


Quote from: Sven2 on October 20, 2010, 03:10:49 PM
Every time I'd  make a decision not to check this place (what's the point, the story is lost, people are mostly committed to memory, life has so much to offer, time's not standing water, - the endless string of valid reasons!) I see that someone is still reading the posts. By accident? By design? What are those people seeking here? I wish I believed it is the promise of JFC, even that it's just one more imagined seascape in Cincinnati.

Whoever they are, they read. So there must be something for them to read. We are open 24/7.

okay who are you and what have you done with my friend svennie? she would never be so faint of heart and easy to give up!



Quote from: skordamou on October 23, 2010, 08:31:53 PM
Hi everybody. Here we are another Halloween. I remember the year we were posting monad costumes, seems so very long ago. I just wanted to connect, with there were others here in the bar cause I don't like to drink alone. so I will down my Roy Rogers and be on my way. I think of you all.

i actually don't remember that!

and isn't it a Rob Roy? that was my main drug of choice circa 1969... potent stuff

1.5 oz  Scotch
0.5 oz  sweet Vermouth

Directions: Fill a mixing glass with cracked ice. Add Scotch and sweet vermouth. Stir and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a cherry.

my problem was i could never find anyone with a cherry    :P

SaveJFC Admin

Work here, Cass.


Happy coming to Halloween!
Flower,  thanks, according to the witching season I barely escaped an assault of a zombie battalion and a train-wreck of vampires. Didn't notice anyone in a cherry costume, could you catch at least one? Must be gone, the way of a dodo bird and a sea cow 8)
Do no harm



Hello Everyone~~
Just read the further adventures! Wonderful things, many loose ends, loving those.  A blog is mentioned? Between Flower and Sven, somewhere in the middle, an aside to each other, I was wondering where this blog might be?

Seems like I can't find us when I come here... I always think I must be in the wrong place. Someone tell me where to find you all.

I miss you.
I remember the monad costumes at Halloween.
I still wear my On the wall the line and circle are huge shirt ever week.
Where are you?
I can't even find the little poem I posted for you Svennie o-<
A lonesome high
A funny time cry
The blues
The blues
The blues


 8)Hello cissy, you are in the right place, hahahahahahhahaah, hope you come back soon!


Are you feeling better, Laurel?


Hi skor, I do feel much better, but still have a headcold...
Soo I'll take a very large glass of  whiskey and a shot of beer.... and to the bar tender I'll buy everyone a drink.....muhahaha!


I was greatly saddened to learn that Tammy passed away this morning. She is now in Cincinnati. Her passing is a true loss to all of us.


O Tammy....  :'(

The world is lessened by your leaving it.
I am less, for losing you. You've made it to Cincinnati, when it's my
turn, I'll be looking for you there~
I love you.
A lonesome high
A funny time cry
The blues
The blues
The blues


I just have learned of Tammy's passing via Facebook.    I am sure John, Zippy and Tammy are on the water riding to Cincinnatti.   My prayers to Tammy, her family and friends.
The wise teach without telling, allow without commanding, have without possessing, care without claiming.


She should've been the last to go I thought, our Chatangel, always in motion, involved in every single thing, remember how she came up with the BOSS, how she'd learn everything she could about the treatments, always with the good word, a good thought. Must be they needed her for something urgent up there - or why would she leave her friends, her Mom, her grandchildren?
If there is a river, she walked over, if it's the big water - she is on her way.

Some day - our turn.

Do no harm


Yes, Sven, always in motion! She had such passion and energy, drive and ideas. She was nexus in the line and the circle, and I will miss her vibrancy and honesty. We will not forget what she did here...on this earth, in this life, in our hearts.


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