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Barry's Bar & Motel

Started by FarleyFarls, December 11, 2007, 11:08:45 AM

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Hello and welcome, jcalmit!

Hope you would stay, look around, maybe you find something that interests you.
Would you like to tell what was you impression of the Snug Harbor/El Camino motel? Is it still for sale, with boarded windows?

Unfortunately, unless John and his Father give it a push, JFC is a thing of the past. Mr.Milch is writing and producing "Luck", a show for HBO about race track. If you look in the "Milch and JFC Newsfeed" thread, you may find something informative about that new show, and many good bits and pieces saved in memory of John from Cincinnati.

Come again, come often, contribute to the BB, talk to us, we are a friendly small group.
We are glad you have found us.

Do no harm


Yes, pull up a chair, jcalmit. Nice place here, but the folks are little strange... a little JFC crazy.  (We kind of liked the show) haha

Actually, I think its safe to say most of us saw it as a very significant work of art.  It made an impact on us, for sure.

So how was the Snug?  Still up for sale?  We've been thinking about buying it! 


Great to see you, Ray!  I trust you are well. Word on the streets is we are going to have a parade!  (What you're wearing will be fine).  The stinkweed girls will be there... ;)



Skor, I saw this video a week ago, tried to find it on YouTube, as a TAP surfing,  :D :( :-[, of course it was nowhere.
Thank god I am not a surgeon, or I'd cut off some poor sod wrong leg or something.

Note to myself: pay attention, kids, what a change one letter makes. 
Do no harm


 ;DJust stopped by for a drink, what is the bartenders name.... hello skor and sven and rayyyyyy, where be the one named cissyyost????? If she were here I would buy her a 8) Well bottoms up to her, and oilgatsam, foxieroxie and Rn.... Anybody want to start the MOVIE word game??????????????????


Hi, Laurel,
Seems that Oil still haven't found this place, Cissy Yost knows about it and posted once or twice, the latest registered user is foxrox, I'm guessing it's foxieroxie, as to the movie game or any other thread - why don't you open one yourself? It's your forum, make it to your liking.  Anything else you want to do here - do it!
Do no harm


Hi Sven, thanks, I know of some who miss that thread and the jfc bb atmosphere...... OIL, was a great guy.  What or where is the Double nutzel or AKA, Jimmy 2-Nutz
?????? I  caught up with the one and only cissyyost, I wish she would just peek in.


Ok, to early for a drink? i don't know your name Mr. Bartender, but I will call you Barry.... Heres My problems..I need something different.  :'( I am tired of the same ole same ole......... :(  It's too hot to dance and the fields don't need plowed ;).. I hate this time of year.....  :'( it can't be soon enough for those Northern winds to return....
By the way Barry... have you been to Missouri?  8)


Oh heres a name Myles, Barry have you seen Myles. I see him every once in a great while posting on that repulsive facebook, if you see him tell him HELLO ;)


Why is Facebook repulsive, Laurel? I have lots of friends there. If we had lots of friends here, it would be fun, but we can't seem to lure folks to be here at the same time. It is a message borard.


Yes, I guess... You have what it takes for Facebook... I just don't seem to fit in anywhere...... 8) It's a wonder I haven't been married several times...since I seem to get bored sooo easily.... :'(

Facebook is ok for some. Not belittling fb Skorda... This place is like the first place, the first love.... FB is like a front porch to gawk and wonder. This place and the original JFC was more like a fireplace, somewhere more homey and safe so to speak...


Respectfully disagree with Skor.  Ma'am, we have friends on the BB.  Not hundreds as on Facebook, but I personally like every one of my friends here and I hope I got to know them better than one would know an accidental partner.  The visits to JFC site increased and will be more numerous, although never reaching thousands and that's fine. "For many are called, but few are chosen".  :) We have no CC or Fahroozool, Ms. Hilton with the likes of John Boehner are deliberately staying away. Heaven.

Everyone seeks whatever they want, I guess, nothing's wrong with it either.
Laurel, you do not need anyone's approval to be yourself. Just be.  ;D

Edited to add: the only thing missing here on the BB is the "instant chat" box. Wait, is there an expression "a chatterbox"?
Thank mother goddess of Captain, we can't be turned into that pitiful creature.  :D :-X
Do no harm

SaveJFC Admin

I understand laurel's point as I only begrudgingly got a FB account.  I, too, am not the FB "type".

I think there is an analogy here with JFC itself...  How everyone was on their own path and each of the characters used their own experiences, what worked for them, and used it to transcend it and they all ended up in the same community.

Like Freddie using his drug business to save Butchie's life.  (Any one else have an example from the show?)

I hope that this site and forum is like JOHN himself...  He just accepted everyone (as we are all frail creatures indeed) and became the catalyst for community healing.

Work here, Cass.


Hi trishah, very well said...I am not knocking Fake book :D :D :D :D

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