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Messages - skordamou

General JFC / Re: A Bit of Everything
August 07, 2010, 02:19:42 PM
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
August 07, 2010, 02:13:31 PM
Why is Facebook repulsive, Laurel? I have lots of friends there. If we had lots of friends here, it would be fun, but we can't seem to lure folks to be here at the same time. It is a message borard.
General JFC / Re: Surf's Up, Brah!
August 06, 2010, 08:28:57 AM
Don't do that. From what I remember, what you were writing was quite different.
And BTW, where is what you were going to send to me?
General JFC / Re: Poetry Almanac
August 02, 2010, 08:28:12 PM
Be Music, Night
- Kenneth Patchen

     Be music, night,
That her sleep may go
Where angels have their pale tall choirs

Be a hand, sea,
That her dreams may watch
Thy guidesman touching the green flesh of the world

Be a voice, sky,
That her beauties may be counted
And the stars will tilt their quiet faces
Into the mirror of her loveliness

Be a road, earth,
That her walking may take thee
Where the towns of heaven lift their breathing spires

O be a world and a throne, God,
That her living may find its weather
And the souls of ancient bells in a child's book
Shall lead her into Thy wondrous house
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
August 01, 2010, 10:30:48 AM
For the landlocked?
tarp surfing
I broke up with my last library, found a new one, hahaha. No, not really, just headed north for a change of scenery. This one is set back off of the green at Craftsbury Common. Tiny, lovely town, setting for early Hitchcock film, "The Trouble With Harry". Anyone remember that one? It gave Shirley McLaine her start. I have been trying to get set up with the preliminaries for going back to work, but I have forgotten my work password... so far from my mind and now I am locked out. Oh well............
Jeez Capt...all those barbecues, now I want to go back and see if there is actually chewing and eating! Ramon was always cooking something delicious, I have not watched JFC in so long I dare not comment.

I confess, Taki usually makes the tuna salad, but what makes it Greek is lots of lemon juice as well as oregano and garlic. Olive oil and just a bit of mayo. Finely chopped scallions, or as Taki calls them- rareripes. Capers! Capers are essential! Kalamata olives if you like them, lots of black pepper, (when I make it I add a little fresh tarragon) and it must be served with tomatoes and cucumbers.

I just deleted my comment to the other info you shared in your post...hahaha, give yourself more credit than that!
But you did get me checking out everyone who comes into my little room at the library!
General JFC / Re: In the Language of Music
July 28, 2010, 02:37:49 PM
I forgot my earphones, so I am unable to listen while in the library. Can't wait though, these look very interesting!
I only have a half hour here at the library today ...and I am looking around wondering if Capt's idea were to happen, who would it be? The afternoon library users do not quite seem the type to be easily lured behind the stacks.....hmmmmmmmm.....

I must say I am impressed with your discipline Sven, to not eat carbs. I cannot yet muster the wherewithall to deny myself entire categories of food, but I realize that the day  when I must take action is coming sooner than I would wish, as I seem to be growing larger in a rather unflattering way,  something I do not like one bit. But I will wait until after Labor Day. It is easy to eat simply here, last night we just had Greek tuna salad, but in a couple of weeks I will be heading to California  and intend to enjoy every moment and every morsel.

There are so many ripe blueberries hanging on the bushes outside the house that I picked a quart in about 5 minutes. But they were so delicious by themselves that I did nothing other then eat them plain. I can't help thinking about blueberry pancakes with maple syrup. A carbfest. Perhaps for dinner tonight? Who says breakfast must be eaten in the morning, anyhow?

I got waylaid as I was walking out of the library. I happened to look in the freebox and found and old Caribbean Islands cookbook. Yum! I can only be online for a moment now, but I will return tomorrow and share something very good.
I checked out the Imam Byaldi recipes online and they all are about the same. The key is to use your imagination and lots of olive oil!!!
Also, the dish goes well with yogurt or tzatziki. Here's a link, but not enough spices in this recipe...add more!!!:
I wanted to start off with  a simple and delicious dessert using the ripe produce of RIGHT NOW! But as I started writing down a recipe out of my head I realized....hmmmmm...maybe I should go home and make that first! So I will be back! Meanwhile, if you are reading something! What do you love to cook and eat? Or what do you fantasize about cooking or eating? I am about to leave the library now, I am checking out Anthony Bourdain's, "The Nasty Bits." I think I will sit by the side of the lake and read for the rest of the day! maybe with a raspberry UFO or perhaps a glass of dry riesling...
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
July 27, 2010, 11:48:39 AM
RAY!!!! I am smiling, just signed on and saw your post. It is so very good to see you here. Being offline is not the worst thing. I am currently on an internet "diet", spending time in Vermont, lakeside in a rather remote area. I am too hardcore to go cold turkey, I check in at the library, haha. I am very curious to know if you have been writing, and whether you would share anything with us.
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
July 17, 2010, 12:39:59 PM
Hello folks!  Here I am totally relaxed, actually have time to write and think, BUT no internet or cell service. I'm unable to spontaneously post much, except for times like now, when I am at the local library!
General JFC / Re: Questions, Answers and Theories
July 12, 2010, 11:59:54 PM
Too tired to write more. Just want to say, "yes."
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