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Messages - skordamou

General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
October 23, 2010, 08:31:53 PM
Hi everybody. Here we are another Halloween. I remember the year we were posting monad costumes, seems so very long ago. I just wanted to connect, with there were others here in the bar cause I don't like to drink alone. so I will down my Roy Rogers and be on my way. I think of you all.
General JFC / Re: Hit Or Miss II
October 20, 2010, 11:10:43 PM
I want to hear about "I am Love."
I haven't found my book yet, but I haven't looked, either. I will do that on Friday. I can't face the disater that has become my room, not right now, soon I must.
"Out Stealing Horses" is a very well written rather bleak story of a Norwegian man who desires solitude. I am so draw to the Scandinavian.
We abandoned Oyster Monday and DeWolf Tavern and although I was the one who decided that the quality had slipped to the unacceptable and it was time to move on, I miss it. Nothing has come along to fill that bit of social life, so I am quite the boring one these days. Just trying to get healthy.
Ocean- What's up with your thyroid? I was just told the same thing, I go for retests in a few weeks. I contacted a nutritionist and am starting that way, listen, he told my sister (with same diagnosis) that self treatment with kelp products alone can be dangerous, can get your thyoid in a state where it will not recover, email me.
General JFC / Re: Pagans Rejoice!
October 18, 2010, 10:28:10 PM
go for the Jersey, richer milk and not as overbred
General JFC / Re: Hit Or Miss II
October 18, 2010, 10:27:12 PM
Hi Everyone, It makes me happy to see you here, discussing things back and forth. I have nothing much to say, I was reading "Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson,  I liked it but misplaced it so I read a few Ruth Rendell mysteries, and now I must have read them all, even the Barbara Vines, I think, and now I will go hunt for my book again because I was liking it and besides it is overdue at the library.
I have been relatively immobile and feeling lethargic and not all that great. My head is filled with cotton, or maybe it is dryer lint.
General JFC / Re: Movie Title Game
October 06, 2010, 10:28:04 PM
City Lights
City Lights

Laurel-How have you been? Come visit me some time! I miss you. Skor
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
October 06, 2010, 10:25:47 PM
I actually had a dream about John last night, it has been a very long time since that happened. I used to find all of our I.B. friends in Dreamland just about every night but now it has been months and months, I woke up happy.
Why did I just get a link and not a picture?
This broccoli recipe is SOOO delicious! I just ate a huge bowlful. I also made beet chips, much like kale chips only beetier! Slice the beets really, really thin, toss w/olive oil, sprinkle with seasalt and bake at 375 for somewhere around 40 min, til crisp and edges are brown, Yumzy!
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
September 22, 2010, 09:56:44 AM
I want to watch "John From Cincinnati"....anyone else?????? It's been too long!
Tricia? Is it possible?
I'm generally not a muffin person, so since I am trying to fatten Taki up a bit I made banana mini-muffins. But while they wee baking they just smelled too good, I just ate 5 of them. Every pound he loses I gain 2. Now he is downright skinny and I am...well, let's just say a bit larger than I would like.
I wish I could stay away from carbs, but I am just too weak.
I am back exercising, hate it.
Down to a few cocktails and some wine each week.
Each time you click you get a different recipe. I find i a very useful site, I love reading recipes, hahahaha. And it is funny.

Ocean- At Whole Foods they sell Japanese cracker sticks wrapped in seaweed and they are really delicious.
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