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Messages - SaveJFC Admin

Wow!  What a great find!  Thanks for doing this!

I've already posted to the site.  Doing this and Hey!Neilsen and getting good ratings would make an impression for sure.

I think it's important that we make sure we type the correct name/spelling:

[size=18]John From Cincinnati[/size]

Way to to Matt!! ;D
SaveJFC Efforts / Re: JFC back on hbo
February 28, 2008, 02:21:19 AM
This is great news!  I've already pre-ordered the DVD through so a portion with go to the upkeep of this site.
SaveJFC Efforts / 2,400 pounds of bird seed video
May 09, 2008, 04:44:53 AM
Well, it's finally finished and ready for viewing.


I couldn't have done it without Ray and Tammy! Ray did such a great job of getting all the necessary shots. And that shot through the van to the street and door was absolutely perfect. And the shot of the bird over the Feed Farm sign!!!! And the bird flying in front of the HBO building!!! Man he's good. And Tammy's dedication and moral support while I went through my technical difficulties nightmare can not be underestimated. I really leaned on her to get it accomplished.

Oh, and I'd like to tell you about a very JFC moment I had when completing the video...

I was most amazed about how the music fit. While I was putting the video clips together I knew I would have to use music to make it watchable and that Series of Dreams would be good in the beginning since the video shows Zippy dreaming about that. BUT, I did all the video first and then went and found the music and added it.... And each of the usable parts of the songs from the DVD were the exact right length for the areas they needed to be in!!!! That gave me chills.
SaveJFC Efforts / Re: DVD Just arrived!
May 14, 2008, 06:11:24 PM
I have yet to watch the "Extras" on the DVD.  I've heard they are disappointing and I'm saving that for some time when I can deal with more disappointment (tehe).  Oh...

Amazon just lowered the price for the DVD.  It's now $27.99.  

If you are thinking of buying it please use This Link or clicking through from the Music/DVD page at of the main site.  This way a portion of the money will go to the upkeep and this forum and the main website.
SaveJFC Efforts / Re: DVD Just arrived!
April 03, 2008, 04:51:12 PM
 Mine arrived yesterday.  I can't wait to watch it.  Right now I'm busy with the BOSS seed campaign but as soon as I have time I'm going to take a long day and watch the whole thing back to back.

Have you seen the commentary yet?  Without giving any spoilers, do you think the extras on the DVD are good, enough, should be more?
Isn't this great!!!  I was thrilled when we hit over 60 votes for JFC just 6 hours after I sent out the Action Alert to the mailing list.  Now THAT's Monad-ista Power!!!!

To join the mailing list so you never miss anything, you can sign up at:
SaveJFC Efforts / Re: Lost Monadista reporting in...
April 09, 2009, 03:53:19 PM
So great that you are back in the fold, Swan!

Do come by the HBO forums where we mostly gather.  I keep this forum up because we have had times with HBO has deleted our threads or even seemed to be closing us down totally.  We will only have our own place to gather no matter what decisions HBO makes about JOHN!
SaveJFC Efforts / HBO Boards are Down or Acting Funky...
December 04, 2008, 04:48:33 PM
Aren't you glad we have this place to come when HBO gets funky?

The current problem is that they took away the links to the different boards so I had the below links in my browser history  The boards are still there just the main linking page is not.  

Post here any others that you  have...

New Endeavor Thread Link

Ep. 10 Thread Link

Comedy clips & chickens link

Information Center Link

Work here, Cass.
SaveJFC Efforts / Re: SaveJFC Newsletter
September 21, 2008, 01:03:24 AM
Myles, I don't mind at all!  It was great of you to do that.

I was debating if I was going to post the whole thing over there or not, but you beat me to it lol.  

SaveJFC Efforts / Re: SaveJFC Newsletter
September 01, 2008, 04:07:23 AM
Thanks, Miles.  So far I've received 4 emails all saying the same thing.  It is a bit sad.  Part of me was hoping we could do an annual ad in The Hollywood Reporter just to stay on the industries radar, or at least Milch's.  I hope he is doing well and that "The last of the ninth" gives him an avenue to continue some of the themes we love from JOHN.

Well, tomorrow is another day...  I look forward to hearing from everyone with their thoughts.
Newsletter 31 August 2008

Our Long, Strange Trip...

Hello Dear Friends & Monad-ista's,

The one year anniversary of the beginning and ending of 'John From Cincinnati' has come and gone.   Just a year ago I was in the midst of one of the first organized postcard campaigns launched from forum.  And the idea of an ad in The Hollywood Reporter or Variety had just started to be discussed on the boards.  We were a routy bunch from all walks of life, full of passion and out-rage and ideas.  We had been inexplicably touched by an odd and wonderful TV series.  We had experienced genius and we wanted more... needed more...

I remember being hesitant to take on the responsibility of becoming "keeper of the fund" for the magazine ads.  However my love for the show and for the community that had sprung up out-weighed my concerns.   In looking back over the year, I learned much and had a lot of fun, as well as trials, along the way.  I wish we could have succeeded in our task.  I wish we knew then what we know now about running such a campaign...

My only regret is that our show is now being used as the poster-child for all the new, ill-fated, poorly conceived shows that come and go without making an impression on the masses.  We know JOHN deserves better.

We know when we can see in our mind the love in Bill's eyes when he talks to Shawnie.

We know when we find ourselves humming 'Johnny Appleseed' even though we haven't watched the show in a while.

We know when we quote from the show in our conversations.

We know when we are comforted by remembering John's words in times of trouble.

We still ask David Milch and Kem Nunn to keep JOHN alive in their hearts and minds.  We know that one day they will find a way to continue the story in some form.    And we will be here ready to hang on every word, empathize with every struggle, rejoice in every characters triumph as if it were our own.

Unless there are any new suggestions, I believe it's time to send the remainder of the The Fund to as was planned.   Please comment at Our New Endeavor thread on the

or the SaveJFC Forum at:
FYI:  There is now a link to an Excel spreadsheet of The Funds' PayPal account on the home page of in the donation box.

As always...
Work her, Cass.

SaveJFC Admin
SaveJFC Efforts / Re: SaveJFC Newsletter
January 04, 2008, 03:10:32 AM
OHHH.... THAT link!

I have no idea how that happened.  On the good side... it may have gotten more people to sign the petition ;D

It's fixed now.  Thank for finding that.
SaveJFC Efforts / Re: SaveJFC Newsletter
January 03, 2008, 02:45:58 AM
I can not replicate this problem.  I am going to the homepage

On the top navigation links I am going to: What To Do then clicking the second option Newsletter SignUp.  Is that what you are doing?

I've also tried the link above our music video and that works fine for me also.  I'll need to reproduce the problem in order to fix it.
SaveJFC Efforts / Re: SaveJFC Newsletter
January 02, 2008, 09:49:07 AM
Hummm.... Worked for me.  What happened when you tried to use it?  Did you get any page at all or a 404? or 401 error?
SaveJFC Efforts / SaveJFC Newsletter
December 06, 2007, 12:49:56 AM

When you sign up, we will send you email newsletters with crucial information and updates.  

To read past newsletters go to:
Well, the final result is that we purchased 60 of the 40 pound bags.  With the shipping it cost a total of $1,429.40.  That's 2,400 pounds or well over the ton of seed we were shooting for!  It was delivered to HBO in NYC on Thursday 17 April 2008.

For more information:
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