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Messages - SaveJFC Admin

The gallery we use does not allow you to link to things on the web.  You have to upload images to the gallery from your computer.  You can add photos you find on the web to the gallery yourself by doing the following:

When you are on the web and find a picture you want to put in the Gallery, right-click it and a dialogue box will pop up. 

There should be a choice there something like, "Save Image As...".  Choose that, and then save the image to your computer, i.e., some place you can find easily.  I would make a separate folder on your computer just for these.

Then go to the Media Gallery (see link in top navigation) > Click on the category name where you want to put the picture > Click the link "Add A Picture" > then click the "Browse" button and go find the photo where you saved it on your computer.

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General JFC / Re: In the Language of Music
June 27, 2010, 04:07:44 AM
I'm memory of the first "Summertime" thread...  ;)

Melanie - What Have They Done To My Song, Ma (Live)
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
June 27, 2010, 04:01:29 AM
Patrick!  Great to see you  :)

Yes, it's been great talking about the show again.  Should we have a marathon DVD re-watch?  I'm feeling the bug. ;D
General JFC / Re: Questions, Answers and Theories
June 25, 2010, 12:54:55 PM
Quote from: Sven2 on June 25, 2010, 10:33:56 AM

That is one other question that bothers me for some time now. Why, if that's not only for the purpose of developing the plot in the desired direction, Linc is supposed to come up, he is seemingly under the least stress, or better, under the least influence from John? Am I mistaken? Is there some transformation he went through I've  missed? Linc as one of the powers that broke Butchie's back, and as such, he is the one responsible to help restore the links? (No pun)

That and the scene where Linc and Tina meet at the pier and Tina states that her wish is "to strike it big", after that they walk away happily. That scene always rubbed me wrong.

Any ideas?

In my opinion, Linc and Tina each had unique and intimate relationships with the Yosts and each was always an outsider.  They both fully understood the Yost lifestyle, business and dynamics but neither were allowed full entrance into the family.

And so they each had a unique experience with the Yosts that no other person could understand but each other.  They are soul mates.

I think what changed Linc was his visceral experience of romantic love with Tina that really changed him.  After that, he had to try to rationally and practically make sense of it.  Thus his talk with JOHN sitting on the ground outside Butchie's apartment.  Linc needs to find an intellectual way of understanding what his heart already knows.  Tina's acceptance and caring for him as well as what he had seen happening to others around him in the wake of JOHN changed him.

(Cut back to the motel parking lot as Linc and John are still sitting together on the pavement.)

Linc: So... I'm the guy that every time you see, you tell the end is near.

John: You're Linc Stark. You should get in the game.

Linc: Like Mitch Yost?

John: Mitch Yost should get back in the game.

Linc: So I've never been in the game?

John: If my words are yours, can you hear my father?

Linc: Let's say I can.

John: Let's say the zeros and ones in Cass' camera help you hear my father's word.

Linc: Cass and I go back.

John: Let's say you and Cass go back, Linc Stark. Let's say, in my father's word, in Cass' camera, the internet is big. 9/11 is big. But not every towelhead is eradicated.

Linc: Let's say I don't follow.

John: Let's say, without Cass' camera, "big" and "huge" won't mean dick. Getting dusted won't be an issue.

Linc: (pauses) This is me grabbing my balls and jumping here, John.

John: Grab your jump-balls, Linc.

Linc: You use my words, and when you speak them, if I listen right, I can hear your father?

John: Yes Linc.

John: If you are then end, I am near you.

John: Yes Linc.

Linc: Without Cass' camera, whatever the fuck that is, we're all toast?

John: You're all going to be toast. We're coming 9/11/14.

Linc: Fuck me, John.

John: Fuck you Linc.

Linc: (We're watching now through Cass' camera) Is there any special purpose to us burning our ass-cheeks off on this asphalt?

John: I don't know Butchie instead.
General JFC / Re: Questions, Answers and Theories
June 25, 2010, 12:37:55 PM
Quote from: Waxon on June 24, 2010, 10:52:49 PM

made me think of the following line from that song:

"Not drinking from the well - locked in the factory"

The seeds John plants are to help his subjects break out of those factory walls.  I guess, in a sense, that is the fruit.

What do you think?

I think it's time to hear the full version of the song...

Joe Strummer "Johnny Appleseed"
This is a test to see the blue color you mentioned:

John From Cincinnati - Bill Jacks Staging Area

Okay, it's fixed.
General JFC / Re: Anniversary Party Planning
June 25, 2010, 01:31:15 AM
I'm working on our "Anniversary Parade".  It's coming together nicely but it's not ready for viewing yet.

But what I do need is the audio from the actual parade in Episode 10.  Maybe even as early as Bill directing traffic.  Would anyone be able to do this for me?
I increased the maximum number of videos allowed per page.  And I think in our case, a "page" means a "thread".  It was set at "12", I've upped it to "120".  Let me know if this fixes it.  If so I'll up it even more so we don't run into this again.
General JFC / Re: JFC and Milch - NewsFeed.
June 24, 2010, 04:05:40 AM

This is a blog that was written when the show originally aired.  He gives commentary on each episode.

General JFC / Re: In the Language of Music
June 24, 2010, 03:23:58 AM
Yes, I've been watching and listening.  You find some great things.  I'm enjoying them.
General JFC / Re: Questions, Answers and Theories
June 24, 2010, 01:03:25 AM
Quote from: Waxon on June 24, 2010, 12:31:45 AM
Step 3: Communicate steps 1 and 2 with each other - (cave drawings), (the man at the wall), (the circles and line on the wall), (The internet is huge), (symbolism)...


If steps #1 and #2 are the beginning steps for the individual, than maybe Step #3 (and Step #4 ?) is doing the same for the community.

Step #3:  Consciously letting go of the trap of the mutual negative experiences that were shared in the past.  i.e., seeing people for who they are now (something JOHN is great at). 

Step #4:  Re-establishing a group identity/purpose based on shared desires for the future.
General JFC / Re: Questions, Answers and Theories
June 24, 2010, 12:21:58 AM
I totally didn't get any of that before!  Great insight, Wax! 

I have a clear memory of John asking Butchie on the pier but you are right, it was the second thing John did after he arrived.  #1 go see Mitch.  #2 Ask Butchie what he wants.

So the point is what?

First, we have to make a conscious decision to get out of our self-imposed prisons created by the disappointments of our past (Mitch).

Second, we need to ask ourselves, honestly, what we really want our future to be.  Not what others want, or what little we think we deserve...  but what we really want...  what will make us happy...  what will make us feel wholly ourselves.

So, if that is steps #1 and #2... What is step #3?
General JFC / Re: In the Language of Music
June 23, 2010, 03:48:19 AM
Hey, Capt...

There was a thread here called "Summertime" where you were posting your videos.  It was a great thread...  I can't see it here now. 

This thread was not the one you created.  Let me see if I can figure out what happened to it...

In your profile you can set your clock to show the correct time given your time zone.  I just went in and changed my setting tonight so the date and time of the forum shows correct east coast time.

It's under:  Profile > Modify Profile > Look and Layout Preferences > Time Offset: then hit "auto detect". 

Then the time in the upper right of your screen will be your correct time.
General JFC / Re: Questions, Answers and Theories
June 23, 2010, 12:01:16 AM
Interesting questions...

"What do you want Butchie Yost?"

First, I think it's important that John uses his last name "Yost".  I don't remember him addressing or referring to anyone else by their last name...  For example:  "Work here, Cass."  "Shawn will soon be gone." 

Butchie followed in his fathers' footsteps and had big shoes... or a big board  ;)... to fill.  Did he ever feel like he had a choice?  Maybe Mitch Yost was always withdrawn from the family after his accident so it was up to Butchie to bring honor back to the family name.  Did Butchie go into surfing to get his fathers' attention and approval?  But, like any teenager, he rebelled and ended up changing the sport forever.  If this was his hearts' desire... his true calling... why did he drown himself in drugs and nearly kill himself?

And let us not forget... Cissy had a hand in shaping how her son turned out (so sorry for the terrible pun... or maybe now  ;D ) and that experience did have its impact.  Maybe even stunted his emotional growth since it was never dealt with open and honestly.

I don't think Butchie ever felt like he had a choice.  Even to the point of the girlfriend he loved deeply getting pregnant, and what does he do?  She's ready to give birth and he's living in a dumpster in Mexico.  That's not a place one resides when they see themselves at having other options.

"What do you want Butchie Yost?"

Did anyone ever even ask him that before?  Did he ever even ask it of himself? 

By asking Butchie to think about his future and what he wanted it to be like, it gave Butchie permission to take some control...  exert some personal power... over the course his life would take.  That simple question gave him a choice he never had before.

"What do you want Butchie Yost?"

And what do you want?
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