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Messages - SaveJFC Admin

General JFC / Re: Anniversary Party Planning
August 05, 2010, 11:16:51 PM
Glad you like the look.  I'll have to take sometime to figure out how to change the new site's homepage to be more relevant to a general fan site...

OH... You may know that I REALLY REALLY don't like the word "Fan"  :(   But when I was creating the main site header graphic I couldn't come up with a better name.  And to leave it off just left a gaping hole that made the name look like it was off center.  So if anyone has any ideas what to say besides "Fan Site" I'd be very happy!  ;D


I fixed the "wetsuit" error.

I also moved the transcripts link to a more prominent position.

And I move the survey info to the SiteMap tab and added the Parade where the Survey was on the main bar.

I'll go work on sending out the invite now.
Send me the ip address you are sending from and let me see if I can grant it permission.
General JFC / Re: Anniversary Party Planning
August 05, 2010, 02:31:13 AM
I think I'll leave it the way it is.  Good to have other voices out there.

Today, I've been moving over to where I'll be doing all our updates from now on. will always stay here but won't be updated.

BTW, the forum over there is exactly the same one as here.  They both use the same database so it doesn't matter which one you use  ;D

I'll send out the invite tomorrow.

General JFC / Re: Anniversary Party Planning
August 03, 2010, 03:25:07 PM
Based on the suggestions I received, I've rewritten the invite.  Please let me know what you think...
General JFC / Re: Anniversary Party Planning
August 02, 2010, 08:51:06 PM
Already working on it  ;)

Just want to make sure everyone is happy with this before I send it.  Please let me know what changes need to be made.


And I did a little update on the parade site, so it should make it clearer that people must register before they login.  Also, made more notes so that, hopefully, the comments will format better.
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
July 27, 2010, 12:00:52 PM
Hey Ray!  There you are!  Great to have you back around.  I'm really busy and don't get a chance to post here right now as often as I would like but I do keep checking in... and of course make myself available if there are any tech problems.

How is your work going?  And your family?  Hope all is well with you and yours.

Did you see that YouTube pulled our 2400lbs of Birdseed video?  Sony thought it violated copyright infringement.  But there is still a copy here on the main site.  Couldn't let that one go to waste after everything it took to put it together.
General JFC / Re: Questions, Answers and Theories
July 11, 2010, 07:41:24 AM
Has anyone tried asking over on the HBO forums?  I know that right after the switch they were deleting any mention of JFC from any thread it was entered on.  But maybe someone there has an answer for us now?
Quote from: backinthegame on July 10, 2010, 03:12:25 AM
Well always; but I've been feeling that way a lot myself of late...

... so I thought I'd stop in and say hi; seems like y'all have been busy, so I'm gonna need to catch up.

Glad to see you back, Back  ;)

Yes a lot is happening.  Please check out the parade page I've created.  I'd like feedback before we go live...
General JFC / Re: Anniversary Party Planning
July 08, 2010, 09:57:12 AM
About signing in...

The parade is on a different login system.  IOW, it is not tied to the forum.  So you need to register first, confirm your email, and then login to add to the parade.

I had the choice of integrating it with the forum or keeping it independent, and I choose to keep it independent so that new people wouldn't get confused on where they are and what to do.
General JFC / Re: Anniversary Party Planning
July 06, 2010, 12:36:54 PM

Okay...  I have the beta version of our virtual parade for our 3rd anniversary celebration ready for testing.

Please check it out and use it (i.e., register and add to the parade) and let me know what you think. 

There is only so much I can do right now to make changes to it.  I already know of a couple of problems that, when the actual day comes to do the parade, I will have to manually fix them as they happen.  It's just too much money/time to make these changes right now.

Anyway...  Go get your limited-use permit and join the parade!

Note: Don't worry if you make mistakes.  I will delete the posts we create now before the actual parade.  Feel free to add whatever you want in order to test it out.

General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
July 04, 2010, 08:23:58 AM
Happy 4th Everyone!

At the time of recording, this was the last 24 inch Firework aerial shell that was allowed to be launched in the in the U.S. Filmed at Casino Morongo, Cabazon, CA July 3, 2007. Show by Pyro Spectaculars

Large 24 Inch Fireworks Shell
I added a captcha field to try to cut down on non-human registrations but apparently the bots have gotten smarter.

So I also integrated our forum registration with Honey Pot,, which is a very well known black list that uses information collected from a multitude of sites to create their list.  Whomever is on their list is blocked from any site that uses the list.  IOW, it is a group consensus that an IP is bad not just from one instance.

The reason the second IP you were using was blocked is because I manually blocked it by mistake.  This should not happen again.
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
July 03, 2010, 12:55:20 PM

That's very funny!

Actually, I think I might have - by mistake - blocked the IP address of where she is vaca-ing.  But I fixed it now and she should be joining us for a parking lot bar-b-que soon. 

My apologies for being a bit too aggressive with the banning of unknown IP addresses.  :-[
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