Work here... => General JFC => Topic started by: Sven2 on July 13, 2010, 03:02:13 PM

Title: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on July 13, 2010, 03:02:13 PM
News, news to amuse and weird news
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on July 13, 2010, 03:09:48 PM
Why NYT couldn't send a more intelligent correspondent for that interview? The ending - Bina's last few phrases is, well, human and... sad? Watch.

Science: Interview With a Robot - (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on July 22, 2010, 10:37:09 AM
Breaking NEWS: The paradise is discovered!  :D :D :D :D :D

Working Day - Winner (

Frosty Man and the BMX Kid - Finalist (

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 03, 2010, 12:10:12 PM
As recently as couple days ago this man, "Comrade Duch" was sentenced to 19 years in prison. There is a documentary film about him.

"Comrade Duch murdered 14,000 people on behalf of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia's Tuol Sleng prison in the 1970 and 1980s. Today, the repentant killer has been confronted by evidence of his horrendous crimes against humanity in a court, and by the people of Cambodia who suffered at his hands.

In the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia, Duch (born Kaing Guek Eav) and onlookers watch wrenching tribunal footage, and face the anguish and anger of relatives of Tuol Sleng victims.

Comrade Duch might never have been captured and brought to trial if not for Irish photojournalist Nic Dunlop, who searched tirelessly for Duch until finding him in a remote area near the Thai border, 20 years after his escape from Tuol Sleng and subsequent conversion to evangelical Christianity.

Because of the intervening years and the radical change Duch underwent while in hiding, it is not a simple matter to condemn the man. And yet it is especially terrifying to realize this mild-mannered math teacher could have turned turned into such a viscious sadist for years, and then suddenly converted to a peaceful and devout Christian. Perhaps it is simply too much to believe. It is up to the court to decide what justice awaits the born-again executioner."

from: (

P.S. There are only three survivors of the whole prison population. THREE.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 03, 2010, 12:24:34 PM
"When presented with the statement, "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals", just 45% of respondents indicated "true". 31% of US adults believe "humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time". (So much for horses, dogs and H1N1 flu.)"

from "Faith and Foolishness" by Laurence M.Krauss,"Scientific American", August, 2010.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 05, 2010, 03:21:31 PM
We all are showing ourselves to the world, intentionally, by chance, or by force of our convictions or feelings. I read Facebook everyday to see what my friends - most are JFC friends I've met on HBO BB - do and say.

Read the latest post by Captainpeace that shows his attitude towards proposed building of a mosque close (two blocks away) to ground Zero.
He could as well post those thoughts here.  Peace seems to be far away from his mind, though I'd share his sentiment about Bin Laden's head.

I am posting a rather long, - excuse me! - excerpt about this subject matter. The author's position reflects mine.

"Take for example a basic fact that the so-called ground zero mosque is actually not on ground zero. This prompted commentator Chris Matthews on MSNBC  to ask - what distance away from ground zero could any mosque be in order to be deemed appropriate? If building a house of worship two blocks away from where the worst terrorist attacks on American soil killed over three thousands innocent souls is sacrilegious then why has making money off the memory of this tragedy by souvenir and tourist gawking not evoked any similar protest?

The absurdity is further seen in the signage on display at a protest event. One sign read, "Building a Mosque at Ground Zero is Like building a memorial to Hitler at Auschwitz." Equating the building of a mosque, by Muslims who reject and condemn al-Qaeda and its violent ideology, to a memorial for Hitler at Auschwitz is fear-mongering and ignoring reality. No Ms. Palin, peaceful Muslims do not need to "refudiate" the building of this mosque. You need to repudiate people who harbor Islamophobic views such as Tea Party leader Mark Williams saying Muslims worship a "monkey god." You need to repudiate demagogues like Pamlea Geller who said that for Muslims to "pray next to" Ground Zero is "repugnant," and a "kick in the head" to Americans.

New York City is home to several thousand Muslims, many of whom work in Manhattan. They need a place to pray and are perfectly within their rights to seek a suitable space. By all accounts, their choice was not merely within their rights but their conception of the project is quite egalitarian. And yet detractors are upset and keep justifying their opposition based on Muslims flying airplanes into the twin towers on September 11, 2001. They either ignore or are ignorant of the fact that those who perpetrated this crime against humanity betrayed the teachings of Islam, which is why 9-11 has been unequivocally condemned by all major Islamic scholars, organization and countries.

We should preserve the memory of this tragedy and be respectful of those who lost their loved ones. But as a nation we cannot succumb to unfounded fears of everything Muslim. In a news segment on NBC News one of the lead protester's (Pamela Geller) main objection was that Muslims should not be allowed to build this 11-story mosque because then they will be able to look at ground zero from the upper floors of that building. Such frivolity would be comical if the issue was not this serious. Since Timothy McVeigh was influenced by the Christian Identity movement, should churches be inappropriate near the Murrah building in Oklahoma City?

The debate over the mosque near ground zero needs to be placed in the context of the protests over building other mosques now spreading across America. These protests are being led by the some of the most extremist elements in our society. Thankfully, well reasoned voices from Jewish Rabbis to Christian Pastors to a wide array of politicians and public servants have been consistently decrying such fears.

The voices of reason are triumphing over the voices of discord. Despite orchestrated opposition, mosque projects are gaining regulatory approval. While American Muslims are winning their rights they are not necessarily winning many hearts and minds. Overcoming misguided fears about Islam and Muslim will require gaining the trust of neighbors. More mosques, even those not seeking new expansion or new construction, will have to go beyond their usual religious functionality and undertake a leadership role in becoming a sanctuary for dialogue and understanding. Only then will the voices of paranoia be relegated to footnotes in history."

from: (

This thread is well suited for a discussion on politics and everyday events, troubling or not. Anyone would like to say anything?
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 06, 2010, 10:10:10 AM
Captain, I didn't quote you, thus no misquote happened either. That post was just one more attempt to start a dialog on the BB pages.
An observation: a husband and wife who spent together 50 years have different opinions, even if some couples at the end look alike. Or identical twins. You and I are neither, that's the beauty of communicating, I think.
Hope Waxon, Skor, Laurel, and the rest would join the discussion or better, start a new one.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: laurel on August 06, 2010, 12:33:04 PM
I have seen the pages on facebook about building the mosque on or rather near what is known as Ground Zero (The World Trade Center). I haven't seen Capn post, but have noticed most of the people I live around are repulsed at the idea..... So I have seen alot of thumbs up on the FB page No Mosque at Ground Zero.

I have read more about it and seems to me it all come down to planning and zoning laws. If they have owned the land to begin with the law allows them to have the right to rebuild. I agree with the law.

The one thing I do not agree with is our country continuing to memorialize the World Trade centers.  It is time to rebuild and move on.  Maybe one might say I had no connection because I did not live close or know anyone personally who died in the attacks.??  I say that's not true. It was a horrible act committed on innocent people. It changed the world as we know it. It energized the fire of hate and religious divisiveness. It started a WAR to Nowhere!!!!!!! If we continue to hangup on it so to say, it will just continue to disrupt this country more.
Those 19 men, did more than just kill 3000 people in NYC, they brought HELL from the center of this earth right into everyones psyche...................
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: laurel on August 06, 2010, 01:48:03 PM
Here is a story, it has received considerable attention.  It happened close to where I live. In May of 1993 the bodies of the 3 boys found in a creek dead. Later came the arrest of 3 young men.
New DNA results have shed alot of doubt if the 3 men convicted actually did the crime. (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: laurel on August 07, 2010, 11:14:15 AM
NAH, not an 84 mentality, whatever that means.... I just think some are going a bit to far with this.  So, build the Mosque, show some tolerance and go forward.....
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skordamou on August 07, 2010, 02:19:42 PM
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 07, 2010, 03:43:14 PM
We should adopt the laconic pictographs from Facebook then. :D
Not exactly that...


but this should do!

Laurel, the "law in effect" argument is sharp and right on target!
Abused, grossly misconstrued religious dogmas, relentlessly used to fight for power  have wrought enough troubles in the world, all the great prophets would be turning and screaming in their graves.... though they are not there, are they? 8)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skordamou on August 08, 2010, 01:09:38 PM
Moving on...
Haha, Sven. Perfect!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 08, 2010, 01:28:10 PM
Skor, good to read you, always. Smooch.  ;)

(Incendiary needs kindling, eh?
Screaming "treason" on the village square would provide that. Heard many times.)

I'd try to explain my views, Captain, though would you excuse me, not tonight.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skordamou on August 09, 2010, 08:21:11 AM
We are not whining. From what I have seen we have been defending principles greater than our own individual thoughts or emotions. -even when it may be uncomfortable or distasteful.
I don't think that many American women would be comfortable with the level of masculine control we find in Afghanistan, but contrary to what is implied by that "Time" cover, Americans are not in that country as cultural arbiters. Laws can be changed, but cultural change cannot easily be forced. Listen, you are not going to hear me defending the Taliban, I find them archaic and appalling. But just because I cringe to think of the quality of life women (and men) are forced to accept under their power, it does not logically follow that I would want to kill muslims or deny them the right to follow their faith. I am not a religious person, but I understand that religious freedom is not about me or my personal feelings.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: laurel on August 09, 2010, 10:13:08 AM
OUCH!, not a very nice picture at ALL Capn'
I have never been a whiner and never back down from a fight.. enough said!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 09, 2010, 10:46:14 AM
I would defend the nest with my offspring with my claws and teeth, Captain, as any mother would. However we perhaps should not turn to chaotic emotional invectives against all who don't share our point of view. Skor in large part expressed my thoughts, I only will add that a woman, by God's design, genetic makeup and upbringing is destined to nurture and save. If as a result of some unfortunate events a woman turns to murder that is the utmost tragedy. Let us be women. Calling for bloodletting is the last resort anyways, humans should use their minds, extrapolating the consequences of their actions.

For example, US government, Ronald Regan in particular, who blindly supported Mujaheddin against communist influence did this country a great disservice, the results are painfully obvious now.  There was nearsighted support at times of Iran and Iraq, gee, and the man is lauded by many for that too! Of course, the Muslim world has its own predicaments for disaster, too much must be factored in, hard to even begin.

As to survival in a hostile environment, history is a narrative of people perishing and surviving. The WWII blockade of Leningrad comes to mind and many a concentration camp. The end of human suffering in not in sight.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 10, 2010, 11:03:09 AM
I do not think you wish us that terrible end and I do not wish that on anyone.

Just saw in the search on the Net the title  "Glenn Beck -We need heroes". Something is very wrong here, those who fight with other peoples hands always want a war.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: zippyfan on August 12, 2010, 11:48:07 AM
I finally get my sorry ass logged in and the good Captain is gone?   :(
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on August 13, 2010, 04:08:07 AM
Kangaroo? Kirk? Bligh? ???
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: zippyfan on August 13, 2010, 06:47:24 PM
America? Courageous? Video? Queeg? LOL...Welcome Back. What's the deal? From tough guy to a delicate flower? Nice
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on August 14, 2010, 07:13:34 AM
I do not understand... I am OceanFlower...
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on August 17, 2010, 10:47:23 PM
Captain Peace is one of our members who comes and goes.  Sometimes he's quite active and sometimes he takes a holiday.  You can look around the threads and see some of his work, but, unfortunately, most of his best work is gone.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on August 18, 2010, 04:58:25 AM
The Captain has telepathically communicated with me from the Mother Ship... he will return soon renewed refueled refreshed and retreaded...  ;)

now in the spirit of the Captain let's get this party started!!   :P
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on August 18, 2010, 08:04:04 PM

Jeff Foxworthy with Little Texas - Party All Night (Video) (

QUIET RIOT " Party All Night " (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on August 19, 2010, 05:08:28 AM
Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto - The Girl From Ipanema (

A mid-summer piece of mellow from the past... man when Getz's sax comes in i still get the chills! Play it loud please!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on August 19, 2010, 05:44:47 AM
This is simply dreamy....

Bohannon - Think Of Me (

And one more by the same artist...

THOUGHTS AND WISHES Hamilton Bohannon (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on August 20, 2010, 04:58:33 AM
Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz: THE GIRL FROM IPANEMA - 1964 (

a good thing is always worth repeating... wow that was a nice number save... never heard that one before!

now please look at this live performance.... a real woman, n'cest pas? no body piercings or tattoos or nearly naked costume... all woman brimming with talent and artistry! yeah like that! and stan wow!

they just don't make them like that anymore!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 20, 2010, 11:23:13 AM
What, no more arguments, no passionate diatribes? A soothing music from now on? Come on, Flower, you know better!  :P
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on August 21, 2010, 09:59:38 AM
is it the dog days of august yet?  i don't know just feeling the melllow of midsummer... i can't believe its almost over... sigh! altho where i live it stays pretty mild til end of october..... i had a dream last night that I was back "home" and i had planned to go for an afternoon swim at the beach after work... then i woke up and realized i was stuck in the flatlands.... living a nightmare!!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 21, 2010, 10:16:54 AM
How far is from you to the ocean? I can get there in an hour, not shabby, eh? Don't mean to gloat, believe me, but I'd die in Kansas! And not only for the flatlands....
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on August 21, 2010, 10:57:31 AM
2 1/2 horrible hours of driving
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skordamou on August 26, 2010, 03:59:01 PM (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on August 27, 2010, 04:57:13 AM
thanks skorda... very cool! glad to see you're back and your front too!   :-*
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skordamou on September 05, 2010, 12:06:11 AM
For fun!
Moskau with english lyrics! (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skordamou on September 05, 2010, 12:24:49 AM
Come and dance and love the fish, Mr. Disco summoned it!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on September 09, 2010, 12:03:08 PM
Need the best earplugs, to dance to that.

I can't watch anything on Vevo, a paid political ad with one of our local women-Repubs appears enticing me to help small business instead of big banks. Is she a small business too, I wonder? Guess not, a part of the juggernaut. In the morning pre-recorded messages from candidates rob of the precious sleep, papers switched from caricatures about BP to the imminent failure of Dems. Oh, let's skip the season..... 
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on September 10, 2010, 04:50:58 AM
William Shatner - Mr Tambourine Man (

I don't know what to say.....  ???
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on September 10, 2010, 04:57:09 AM
Szandora LaVey Doin' A Dance! (

Quiet Village like you've never seen or heard it before I guarantee you! The band is the Tiki Yaki Orchestra... the dancer is the lovely and talented Szandora LaVey notorious infamous Satanist... a satanic surfer girl? Not sure... anyway she usually does her act with a hula hoop... no hoop this time.... so what can I say? Real women have curves and know how to use them! Now if I could just find this Quiet Village with the hula girls!!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on September 30, 2010, 04:58:32 AM
"Live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse." - James Dean

The Chicken Game (

The first man who jumps is a chicken! (

I can't believe they cut the actual fight.... but still a great scene!   8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on October 28, 2010, 04:57:36 AM

i cannot believe the local affliate bumped Modern Family last night to do coverage on the tornado that was ripping thru the state... wtf is the big deal? all they had to say was: OK all you honkies get down in the root cellar and start praying to your baptist god and go back to the regular programmed telecast n'cest pas??   >:(
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on October 28, 2010, 11:58:08 AM
So, did you go and did you pray? :D
No neighbors' roofs were blown off, I hope?

We are enjoying (I myself tremendously!) a sudden, unfortunately very short,  wave of hot weather, 72 degrees, it's at the end of October!
I have a tank top on, dreaming of moving some place without snow and ice, with no winter. Cincinnati, here I come,  :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Cissy on November 14, 2010, 05:51:28 AM
I wish you could just move out here Svennie, you would be happy! We have libraries, I live 20 minutes from the ocean now, still working on that place up north with the redwoods, every day. That's less than 5 minutes to the ocean, and the storms that come in, come in wonderfully in their rush from the sea to smash into the mountain range. Awesome.
That place up home, an old friend, has re appeared in my life, old friend as in we've known each other over 50 years! EEK! Glad she'll never see this post! I told you all about her, how she was the only one in the group of her friends who told everyone to stop talking and just WATCH John when her friends didn't see 'it'. She was so happy to learn of us. She must have come back to me through Cincinnati, because, she's the how I make that place in the redwoods my home. Send to her your whitest light, she's missing a friend who's left for Cincinatti. 
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: laurel on November 14, 2010, 01:01:55 PM
Aww, come on Cissy find the poem? :D Hello svennie, I have had pneaumonia, not fun.  :-[ So haven't been doing much.
We did take our son to Branson Mo, for his BD, had a great time.... Next we head to Pensacola Beach Fl, to spend Thanksgiving with my Mom's nephew!
i can't wait. Don't care if 50 degrees or 90, just can't wait to show my son the ocean.
Hope all of you peeps are doing great! :D
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on November 17, 2010, 12:38:58 AM
Cissy, 20 min from the ocean is marvelously close, and 5 min is a plain miracle; keep working on that place, it should be yours! Good luck.  Write more, here's a quote from your post, it's very well written: "The storms that come in, come in wonderfully in their rush from the sea to smash into the mountain range." We used to write and post on the BB, remember?

I hope you recovered completely. Take good care of yourself, your men, and your Mom depend on you. Any place that has "beach" in its name must be great, especially down South.  If that's the first time your son would see the ocean, he is in for a wonderful surprise, should never forget that Thanksgiving. Post something about Florida, you got sharp eye, and HAVE FUN, of course!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: laurel on November 17, 2010, 02:29:23 PM
yes, this will be his first look at the ocean, his eyes will get BIG and HUGE.  I will say to him, Son, here's a bucket and shovel Work Here o'kai... and I will take a stick and draw lines and circles in the sand and John my husband will appear, and I will say to him  I'm not giving up my herb FAT BOY...muhahahahahahahhah

Oh me!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on November 19, 2010, 01:44:55 PM
Would you say all that, Laurel, word for word? Please, do!  :)
Water should be still warm enough for your son to swim. Weather forecast promises 77 and above from Monday through Wednesday there. He's going to love it.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: laurel on November 19, 2010, 06:22:57 PM
 :)Well Sven, nah not word for word,,,haha I hope it is nice, but rain or shine I plan to enjoy my Thanksgiving vacation. ;D
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on November 30, 2010, 05:59:52 PM
  P  L  A  Y  ! (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on December 23, 2010, 09:30:46 PM

A Christmas Story 1881

Pa never had much compassion for the lazy or those who squandered their means and then never had enough for the necessities. But for those who were genuinely in need, his heart was as big as all outdoors. It was from him that I learned the greatest joy in life comes from giving, not from receiving.

  It was Christmas Eve 1881. I was fifteen years old and feeling like the world had caved in on me because there just hadn't been enough money to buy me the rifle that I'd wanted for Christmas. We did the chores early that night for some reason. I just figured Pa wanted a little extra time so we could read in the Bible.

After supper was over I took my boots off and stretched out in front of the fireplace and waited for Pa to get down the old Bible. I was still feeling sorry for myself and, to be honest, I wasn't in much of a mood to read scriptures. But Pa didn't get the Bible, instead he bundled up again and went outside. I couldn't figure it out because we had already done all the chores. I didn't worry about it long though, I was too busy wallowing in self-pity. Soon Pa came back in. It was a cold clear night out and there was ice in his beard. "Come on, Matt," he said. "Bundle up good, it's cold out tonight." I was really upset then. Not only wasn't I getting the rifle for Christmas, now Pa was dragging me out in the cold, and for no earthly reason that I could see. We'd already done all the chores, and I couldn't think of anything else that needed doing, especially not on a night like this. But I knew Pa was not very patient at one dragging one's feet when he'd told them to do something, so I got up and put my boots back on and got my cap, coat, and mittens. Ma gave me a mysterious smile as I opened the door to leave the house. Something was up, but I didn't know what.

Outside, I became even more dismayed. There in front of the house was the work team, already hitched to the big sled. Whatever it was we were going to do wasn't going to be a short, quick, little job. I could tell. We never hitched up this sled unless we were going to haul a big load. Pa was already up on the seat, reins in hand. I reluctantly climbed up beside him. The cold was already biting at me. I wasn't happy. When I was on, Pa pulled the sled around the house and stopped in front of the woodshed. He got off and I followed. "I think we'll put on the high sideboards," he said. "Here, help me." The high sideboards! It had been a bigger job than I wanted to do with just the low sideboards on, but whatever it was we were going to do would be a lot bigger with the high side boards on.

After we had exchanged the sideboards, Pa went into the woodshed and came out with an armload of wood - the wood I'd spent all summer hauling down from the mountain, and then all fall sawing into blocks and splitting. What was he doing? Finally I said something. "Pa," I asked, "what are you doing?" "You been by the Widow Jensen's lately?" he asked. The Widow Jensen lived about two miles down the road. Her husband had died a year or so before and left her with three children, the oldest being eight. Sure, I'd been by, but so what?

Yeah," I said, "Why?"

"I rode by just today," Pa said. "Little Jakey was out digging around in the woodpile trying to find a few chips. They're out of wood, Matt." That was all he said and then he turned and went back into the woodshed for another armload of wood. I followed him. We loaded the sled so high that I began to wonder if the horses would be able to pull it. Finally, Pa called a halt to our loading, then we went to the smoke house and Pa took down a big ham and a side of bacon. He handed them to me and told me to put them in the sled and wait. When he returned he was carrying a sack of flour over his right shoulder and a smaller sack of something in his left hand. "What's in the little sack?" I asked. Shoes, they're out of shoes. Little Jakey just had gunny sacks wrapped around his feet when he was out in the woodpile this morning. I got the children a little candy too. It just wouldn't be Christmas without a little candy."

We rode the two miles to Widow Jensen's pretty much in silence. I tried to think through what Pa was doing. We didn't have much by worldly standards. Of course, we did have a big woodpile, though most of what was left now was still in the form of logs that I would have to saw into blocks and split before we could use it. We also had meat and flour, so we could spare that, but I knew we didn't have any money, so why was Pa buying them shoes and candy? Really, why was he doing any of this? Widow Jensen had closer neighbors than us; it shouldn't have been our concern.

We came in from the blind side of the Jensen house and unloaded the wood as quietly as possible, then we took the meat and flour and shoes to the door. We knocked. The door opened a crack and a timid voice said, "Who is it?" "Lucas Miles, Ma'am, and my son, Matt, could we come in for a bit?"

Widow Jensen opened the door and let us in. She had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. The children were wrapped in another and were sitting in front of the fireplace by a very small fire that hardly gave off any heat at all. Widow Jensen fumbled with a match and finally lit the lamp.

"We brought you a few things, Ma'am," Pa said and set down the sack of flour. I put the meat on the table. Then Pa handed her the sack that had the shoes in it. She opened it hesitantly and took the shoes out one pair at a time. There was a pair for her and one for each of the children - sturdy shoes, the best, shoes that would last. I watched her carefully. She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling and then tears filled her eyes and started running down her cheeks. She looked up at Pa like she wanted to say something, but it wouldn't come out.

"We brought a load of wood too, Ma'am," Pa said. He turned to me and said, "Matt, go bring in enough to last awhile. Let's get that fire up to size and heat this place up." I wasn't the same person when I went back out to bring in the wood. I had a big lump in my throat and as much as I hate to admit it, there were tears in my eyes too. In my mind I kept seeing those three kids huddled around the fireplace and their mother standing there with tears running down her cheeks with so much gratitude in her heart that she couldn't speak. My heart swelled within me and a joy that I'd never known before, filled my soul. I had given at Christmas many times before, but never when it had made so much difference. I could see we were literally saving the lives of these people.

  I soon had the fire blazing and everyone's spirits soared. The kids started giggling when Pa handed them each a piece of candy and Widow Jensen looked on with a smile that probably hadn't crossed her face for a long time. She finally turned to us. "God bless you," she said. "I know the Lord has sent you. The children and I have been praying that he would send one of his angels to spare us."

In spite of myself, the lump returned to my throat and the tears welled up in my eyes again. I'd never thought of Pa in those exact terms before, but after Widow Jensen mentioned it I could see that it was probably true. I was sure that a better man than Pa had never walked the earth. I started remembering all the times he had gone out of his way for Ma and me, and many others. The list seemed endless as I thought on it.

Pa insisted that everyone try on the shoes before we left. I was amazed when they all fit and I wondered how he had known what sizes to get. Then I guessed that if he was on an errand for the Lord that the Lord would make sure he got the right sizes.

Tears were running down Widow Jensen's face again when we stood up to leave. Pa took each of the kids in his big arms and gave them a hug. They clung to him and didn't want us to go. I could see that they missed their Pa, and I was glad that I still had mine.

  At the door Pa turned to Widow Jensen and said, "The Mrs. wanted me to invite you and the children over for Christmas dinner tomorrow. The turkey will be more than the three of us can eat, and a man can get cantankerous if he has to eat turkey for too many meals. We'll be by to get you about eleven. It'll be nice to have some little ones around again. Matt, here, hasn't been little for quite a spell." I was the youngest. My two brothers and two sisters had all married and had moved away.

Widow Jensen nodded and said, "Thank you. I don't have to say, may the Lord bless you, I know for certain that He will."

Out on the sled, I felt a warmth that came from deep within and I didn't even notice the cold. When we had gone a ways, Pa turned to me and said, "Matt, I want you to know something. Your ma and me have been tucking a little money away here and there all year so we could buy that rifle for you, but we didn't have quite enough. Then yesterday a man who owed me a little money from years back came by to make things square. Your ma and me were real excited, thinking that now we could get you that rifle, and I started into town this morning to do just that, but on the way I saw little Jakey out scratching in the woodpile with his feet wrapped in those gunny sacks and I knew what I had to do. Son, I spent the money for shoes and a little candy for those children. I hope you understand."

I understood, and my eyes became wet with tears again. I understood very well, and I was so glad Pa had done it. Now the rifle seemed very low on my list of priorities. Pa had given me a lot more. He had given me the look on Widow Jensen's face and the radiant smiles of her three children.

For the rest of my life, whenever I saw any of the Jensens, or split a block of wood, I remembered, and remembering brought back that same joy I felt riding home beside Pa that night. Pa had given me much more than a rifle that night, he had given me the best Christmas of my life.

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on January 21, 2011, 10:21:24 PM
 Good-bye Keith Olbermann.  He didn't die he quit or got fired. :-[ MSNBC loss.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on January 23, 2011, 11:27:34 AM
Cassie, welcome! Would you like to introduce yourself, please, if we didn't have a chance to know each other. Why is that I got a feeling however that you're someone quite familiar..... :)  I might be wrong of course.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on January 23, 2011, 11:50:17 AM
Hi~I'm cassie...nice to meet you.;=)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on January 23, 2011, 11:59:58 AM
Geez, that happens all the time in the~ real life ~ people ?think? they know me.

funny tho, on the internet how could I resemble Laura Bush? ;)

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on January 24, 2011, 02:33:25 PM
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on January 26, 2011, 12:15:31 AM

The latest information about the disappearance of Jimmy2-Nutz

name: Joe Squirell
AKA: Cracker
Weight 4 pounds
Height  4.5 inches
Some squirrels are known to turn into demons occasionally which could possibly increase their height by a few inches

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on January 26, 2011, 11:37:49 AM
Wait..... Oh, nooooooo, was Jimmy eaten by squirrels, is that what you're saying? ??? :o :D
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on January 27, 2011, 02:24:12 PM
well sven I sure hope jimmy wasn't eaten.
Oh, about the songs, Hey Jude, let it be...
We all need a mother mary to whisper words of wisdom...let it be.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on February 04, 2011, 09:32:47 AM
My latest artwork  :D
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skordamou on February 04, 2011, 11:36:32 PM
Now I see it is a monad. At first I saw something else.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on February 06, 2011, 12:42:17 PM
Quote from: cassie on January 26, 2011, 12:15:31 AM

The latest information about the disappearance of Jimmy2-Nutz

name: Joe Squirell
AKA: Cracker
Weight 4 pounds
Height  4.5 inches
Some squirrels are known to turn into demons occasionally which could possibly increase their height by a few inches

Breaking News
Latest information of the sighting of Joe Squirell AKA..Cracker..
Mr. Squirell is wanted for questioning in the disappearance of Jimmy Two Nutz

Authorities believed Joe Squierll lived in a van down by the river.
An anonymous caller who would only give the name Cissy has give information about what the fugitive is driving  these dayz!
It's said to be a silver 2007 Cadillac CTS.. Here's the license number. If you were to spot this vehicle, don't be a hero call the FBI immediately.

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on February 10, 2011, 09:21:42 AM
This too shall pass!

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine version - Official (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on February 20, 2011, 05:23:05 AM
Ok so I'm not crazily obsessed as I thought I was: I've been collecting sand from the various beaches I've visited over the last two years or so: OBX, Mavericks, Santa Cruz & now I read in the latest issue of Men's Journal (that's the one w/o the nude pix of women) that 10 time world surf champ Kelly Slater also collects beach sand. Naturally his specimens are much more exotic than mine. Right not I have the OBX sample in a baby food jar but the Kali sand still in zip loc bags but he had a good idea & stores his in what looks wine or beer bottles--sheesh why didn't I think of that! I guess that's why he's the Champ!  :D
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: cassie on February 20, 2011, 10:14:26 AM
 :) beach sand, hmm.... first time I've heard of anyone collecting sand... great idea... one would need to visit sunny beaches to keep the collection going......
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on April 01, 2011, 04:33:17 AM
Okay so here's the call you never want to get: last week went to the dermatologist for a full body scan; I'm gonna be 64 on Monday so as one ages these are things ya gotta do right? what got me going to the derma in the first place was I'm starting to bruise quite easily primarily on my arms those nasty looking old man bruises that us old people get and basically that's what the derma doc told me, a strikingly beautiful Indian woman i might add what else right? anyway her prognosis at that time was hey you're getting old live with it! she asked me then if applied sunblock.. never! wore a hat? never! sunblock and hats? that's for pansies and small babies! and she shook her head in disbelief when i named off the places i've lived: So Cal, Mexico, Florida, I'm a pool rat and a beach boy worked construction all during the 60s and 70s out in the sun mostly with my shirt off... she took my arm and held it up & said Look your skin is severely sun damaged and is as thin as tissue paper that's why you're bruising... i had to wait 3 or 4 months for an appt for the full body scan.. so there i am lying on the exam table in my skivvies feeling absolutely ridiculous in one of those paper gowns they give you to wear and everything is going along well until she gets to my left arm and says What's this? Ah yes that! the remains of a homemade tattoo consisting of the initials of my steady girlfriend in highschool SG;  I was maybe 16 at the time and of course I'm gonna be with this girl for the rest of my life right? that's what all us 16 year old boys think, so of course I'm gonna get her initials tattooed into my left arm for all the world to see right? so me and the boys got some sewing needles taped three of them together a bottle of india ink a pint of southern comfort and a six pak of beer and drove down to the local beach and me being the youngest one at the time was chosen to go first... Johnny B did the artwork I guess you'd call it... dip the needles into the india ink and then perforate the skin, blood and ink running down my arm, while i'm chugging on the pint and a can of beer, a real diddy bop rite of male passage... did it hurt? like a motherfucker! but man once it healed i wore it proud with the sleeves of my tshirt rolled up to the shoulder for all the world to see that i loved SG that i was hers and she was mine well at least until after graduation anyway... and SG herself was a little surprised that i had done that branded myself for her maybe she saw the future a little clearer than i did.. but she was still my girl and i was her guy and like the The Boss says we were the wildest things you ever did see we liked the same music we liked the same bands we liked the same clothes and when the fights broke out at the dance clubs she stood back to back with me punching and kicking with the best of them... and like all true highschool romances we went our separate ways after graduation but I still carried the torch for her big time... one night i spied her riding around with some guy from out of town in his Corvette I was probably half drunk at the time & got my buddy to follow them and the Corvette guy not knowing our town so well trapped himself in a cul-de-sac my buddy pulled his car up sideways so he couldn't get around us and i got out of the car.. this was well past the diddy bop days but not quite the hippie era either... i can't remember why but the shirt i was wearing had been torn down the middle from the neckline down to my midsection the sleeves ripped off hair gone wild and the shade of a full beard coming in... in a word i looked like a madman i challenged the guy to get out of the car but he wouldn't budge and i pounded on the hood of that corvette with my fists in a drunken rage I could see SG in the passenger seat watching me... the guy somehow got around my buddy's car and peeled outta there in a big hurry... some weeks later SG stopped me on the street and said, You really scared that guy you know! Needless to say she wasn't seeing him anymore basically because he didn't want to deal with SG's crazy ex-boyfriend namely me! and what i didn't know at the time is that since Corvettes have fiberglass bodies i did several hundred dollars worth of damage pounding on the hood of the car... well tough shit bud, you don't come into my town riding around with my girl without paying some sort of price.... plus real men don't drive Corvettes! No real man would ever drive a plastic car without a trunk! Sadly in 1972 SG died of a heroin overdose and so i have a constant reminder of her whenever i happen to notice that faded tattoo... but after all these years if you look hard enough you can still see the remnants of those initials... oddly the tat seems to stand out more once i've achieved my summer tan go figger right?  but now the finale: the doc then exclaims, Oh and what is this? shiny and smooth! not good! and for the last two or three years what i thought was some sort of weird pimple or a wart or god knows what turns out to be what might be basal cell skin cancer and as the doc said with a laugh, Well if you have to have skin cancer this is the kind to have! she took a biopsy and told me it would take a week or two for the results and they woud notify me re: the results in one of two ways: letter = good; phone call = bad. and sure enough yesterday morning at work i get the call: the biopsy came back positive for basal cell skin cancer and i go in on May 10 to have it cut out.. i'm told its no big deal that this isn't the killer kind of cancer but still when you hear the word cancer in relation to your own mortatlity its still a little scary no matter how or where you slice it right? no pun intended! LOL! The Stones had it right, what a drag it is getting old!   ;)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on April 04, 2011, 01:52:39 AM
Oh, Flower, that thing won't kill you, worries and foreboding notwithstanding, although your long suffering readers just might,  :D :D :D, Mr. Pinchon-lite - not a single paragraph!  ::) :P :o
The story is a perfect tragicomedy, you're a tough one! Hope your beautiful lady doctor insisted that you slather on the sunblock from now on, so  we'd have you around for another fifty or so years. I admire your mojo, my friend.


More stories, OK?
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on April 04, 2011, 03:59:06 AM
oh svennie baby you know when i'm a roll all grammar goes straight to hell

:P  :D  :-*

jesus christ jesus christ jesus christ!
I'm sixty fucking four years old today!
where does the time go eh?

Love You All!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on April 04, 2011, 01:19:32 PM
We owe you a kiss on the cheek, a pat on the back and a bear hug then!  :-*
Kisses and love, young man! Many happy returns!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on April 05, 2011, 03:49:09 AM
thanks sweetheart!   ;D
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on April 11, 2011, 03:47:59 AM
I guess you could call this a commentary on American values:

A buddy of mine at work passes along his copy of Rolling Stone & this month Rihanna is on the cover showing quite a bit of booty.. when he gave me the magazine he said, I'd put that away if I were you, meaning the exposed booty might offend someone or be deemed "inappropriate" reading material at the workplace... he had already been called on the carpet for some comic books he reads but they weren't the "Adult" kind just regular comics but some busy body saw something he or she took offense to and reported him to HR or some shit... what's weird about this is on the inside of the mag there's an article about the American "Kill Team" in Afghanistan with some rather grisly pix of American soldiers smiling and laughing while posing with the corpses of civilians they've summarily executed... I just found it rather disconcerting as usual that in America we'd be more uptight about the pic of some young girls ass over the pics of slaughtered civilians courtesy of US armed forces a la My Lai (if you don't know what My Lai is look that up in your Funk and Wagnall's okay?) On another note: Rihanna herself got in trouble not long ago for grabbing her crotch while performing... I sawthe video.. no big deal really.. but what really got me was they tried to lay the blame of all this crotch grabbing on Jim Morrison! LOL! I'll betcha Jim is having a really good laugh up in Rock and Roll heaven over a couple of mai tais with Janis!   8)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on May 06, 2011, 03:21:45 PM
Alphabet and numbers 1-0 by Google according to popularity.
Some surprises.

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on May 10, 2011, 03:32:35 AM
Hey youse all... the mighty Oceanflower goes in today to have some skin cancer dug out of his most manly upper left arm today at 1:40PM EDT... so send me some good vibes... no big deal really but like i say when the doctor says your name and the word "cancer" in the same sentence it is always a little disturbing isn't it?  the worst part is they're telling me for like 4-6 wks afterward no pushups pullups pumping weights going to the pool surfing all the fun stuff i like to do to keep this fat old body of mine somewhat in check and yes, svennie i know exactly what you're thinking... good time to do some writing right?
well i can still walk and/or run... sort of LOL! Love you all! Peace and Stay Free!   :-*
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on May 10, 2011, 12:56:04 PM
Is that Eastern time or some other, Flower? Is it over now?
Don't worry, the worst you'll get would be a terrible itch under the bandage, when the new skin starts to grow. Imagine it's on your back where you can't reach it, - torture!

Did they give you some nice pills? Like, you know....?  :P

Be well, man.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on May 11, 2011, 03:52:53 AM
yep all over now piece of pie! easy as cake! altho my arm is a little sore
nope no dr feelgood pills dammit! but it ain't quite over yet... whatever
she cut out she's sending to pathology to get the real deal sigh! get the
stitches out May 24th until that time i won't be the starting pitcher for any
big league games that's for damn sure Peace!   :P
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on May 25, 2011, 03:58:14 AM
Hey I'm not malignant! who woulda thought right?

OK i blew it totally missed Bob Dylan's 70th birthday yesterday... wasn't aware of it until i turned on the radio on the way to work.. apparently up in the civilized part of the world my soul sister informed me that one rock and roll station was playing Bob songs continously throughout the day... right on! the thing I like about Bob is he can tell the Masters of War to fuck off but he'll also tell the Masters of Hip and Cool and Poltical Correctness to fuck off too.. remember when he did the Victoria's Secret ad? and all the so called hipsters got offended? The Bob's response with sly grin: "Oh? was that wrong?"   8)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skor on May 25, 2011, 06:06:34 AM
Ocean- Glad to hear you are OK!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on May 25, 2011, 08:26:37 PM
Good news, Flower!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on May 26, 2011, 03:27:34 AM
thanks ladies! they also gave me some instructions on what to do in order to "hide" the scar, creams and whatnot... I laughed and said, Hey i'm an Italian from New York.. I want that scar to show!  :-*
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on June 16, 2011, 04:03:52 AM
Hey! anybody alive out there! in an unusual circumstance overtime available at work so living like a miner again... BTW Carl Gardner the lead singer of the Coasters passed away on Sunday... the last one!

The Coasters - Searchin' (

Keep on dancing!  8)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on June 17, 2011, 01:15:50 PM
Flower, what, overtime in summer?  :o  When the sun is high and the girls wear next to nothing? ???
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on June 18, 2011, 03:59:18 AM
@Sven   :D yes I know how uncharacteristic of me eh? but saving $$$ for my vacay in San Francisco and points north in Cali this July so yeah when the sun is shining and I know those young nubile girls are oiling themselves down at poolside and I'm stuck at my cube under the flourescents all afternoon and Saturday too I keep thinking of Grant Ave in Chinatown Mavericks the Redwoods and Mt Lassen among other things and of course the young nubile California girls oiling themselves down at poolside... suh-wheat!  :P  :-*  8)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skor on June 18, 2011, 07:43:33 PM
Ocean- When are you heading to CA? I am about to book my trip-by I'm thinking of going a bit later this year because I have an opportunity to see John Waters at the Henry Miller. But unlike past years, we will fly into SFO and spend a few days in the north. Should be good.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on June 19, 2011, 05:13:23 AM
Leaving here July 9 wow John Waters I was reading his latest book Role Models but got bogged down and had to return it to the library I should get that one out again... when is the Henry Miller??    ;)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on September 11, 2011, 06:43:52 AM
@skor: how was John Waters you never said??  :-*

RIP Cliff Robertson!  :(

Tenth Anniversary of 09/11: My people in NYC tell me its like deja vu all over again... armed soldiers with fully automatic weapons patrolling the streets... search checkpoints at the most sensitive areas and I wouldn't even think about flying out of NYC today! How do we put an end to the madness??? A few more years in Irag and we will have reached Viet Nam proportions... how long oh Lord how long?  :(
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skor on September 11, 2011, 11:33:27 PM
Hey Ocean! Welll, after being all excited about going to see John Waters I never went to the show. It was full moon so we went for cocktails at Nepenthe and I started thinking about how the show was $80.00 for a 90 minute show and while I had been looking forward to it, my enthusiasm was lagging, but I thought Thierry really, really wanted to go case he is so much more into Waters than I am. But he was also thinking that our money might be better spent eating and drinking, so we went to the drum circle instead and I don't regret that one bit. Later that night we went to Fernwood (bar) and I met the guy who had paid $1500 for a one on one dinner with waters and he was totally psyched, but his friend who had only been at the show said it was good but not great. The show I would have loved was (
                 but that was also $80.00. A bit much, but it was something really different.  A few days before I got to Big Sur the Red Hot Chili Peppers played at the Henry Miller for free, from what I hear that was the best concert ever, ever. I had a rather amazing trip this year. Excellent.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on September 15, 2011, 04:33:47 PM
I've been absent - had to stay very close for few weeks and finally say goodby to our dog. Not much else can be said about it, for words are useless and sound fake, besides we all know losses, only every time to carry on is a little more difficult.
Now I'm looking for a puppy, trying to replace pain with hope, in its endless circle of ends and beginnings. 

Good to see that someone - one or two - still find time and desire to post on the BB.

Cheers, Skor, Flower and Trishah. If anyone else been checking in - please, speak up!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on September 16, 2011, 07:49:10 AM
1500 bucks to talk to John Waters??? man the girls on the street don't even charge that much! LOL! it seems outrageous to me that in these difficult economic times these entertainers and celebs and sports players charge so much for so very little in return! and yet people flock to these events and shell out the cash like its going outta style! am i missing something? my big event for the year aside from visiting SF was the live concert in April with Steve Miller and Greg Allman... I toyed with the idea of seeing Huey Lewis but its an outdoor venue and it was like 116 degrees at the time... Al Pacino was in town giving a talk and the nose bleed seats were 75 bucks a pop while the good seats were up in the 150-200 range... really Al? Say hello to my little friend!!  :P
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on October 19, 2011, 03:55:01 PM
Quote from: Sven2 on May 10, 2011, 12:56:04 PM
Is that Eastern time or some other, Flower? Is it over now?
Don't worry, the worst you'll get would be a terrible itch under the bandage, when the new skin starts to grow. Imagine it's on your back where you can't reach it, - torture!

Did they give you some nice pills? Like, you know....?  :P

Be well, man.
I have had the basal and the squamous... I find out tomorrow if I go under the knife, if so I hope I am in good hands with the specialist they are sending me to.  Unfortunately I have the type with a 30 percent chance of always coming back... it's in my genes!  keep your eye on it flower, where theres one theres sure to come another...and wear a hat, melanoma of the brain is being seen alot more in men.... just sayin!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on October 19, 2011, 10:46:01 PM
Water Lily, good luck tomorrow, hope it's a minor problem, not a big scare.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on October 20, 2011, 02:09:15 PM
had a biopsy and full check up...  :'(
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on October 22, 2011, 07:24:09 PM (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on October 23, 2011, 10:07:54 AM
it took me a minute to figger out we was talking about skin cancer; I have a kajillion hats but don't wear them! I was using sun block all summer but slacked off when fall hit.... now its long sleeve weather anyways pretty much.... let us know how it goeths Miss Lily!!  ;)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on October 23, 2011, 10:15:57 AM
Me like, Mz.Lily, that would be your name, if you don't mind of course!
Hang on, kid, doctors are necessary evil  :D. Seriously, you should do just fine. The question though, is your state financially stable, so it won't cut essential medical services like my state did. Now there is a lawsuit: 10 hospitals vs state, - it's a mess!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on October 23, 2011, 10:47:22 AM
No sounds good, Mz I had the biopsy, and quit the Dr. that was just stringing me along. (my thought) anyhow!  I hope I don't get a phone call, and the rest of my test come back and I can get on to some other health issues..... Flower its best to wear a hat all year round...  On the home front my brother Rich has been here for 2 months and has made our yard beautiful...but, yesterday he fell and hurt his arm, He's in the ER with my husband as I type getting an x-ray.. I might have him until the first of the year now... all have a blessed day.....MzL
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on October 29, 2011, 06:35:54 AM
Yo Ms WL: what can I say? I'm an old school diddy bop rocker and its all about the hair! can you dig that? so that's why I am usually sans chapeau unless its blizzard conditions...   :P

@Sven: there is something severely wrong with this country right now! oh wait a minute! I know what it is! wasting millions upon millions of dollars on a stupid ground war that even Hannibal couldn't win while Americans lose their homes, their health, and their minds... i'm an old 60s street radical... maybe its time we took it to the streets one more time!

Power To The People where it has always rightfully belonged!   8)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on December 02, 2011, 05:10:52 PM
These guys just fixed neon tubes to their arms and legs, but if someone had real "glow-in-the-dark" wetsuits, I think it would be hot. I wish I had the capital for a start-up!

Nighttime surfing with glowing neon (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on December 03, 2011, 08:17:47 AM
Nice!  8)

I heard they spotted a great white out near Maverick's recently... and maybe the start of yet another urban myth but down near Myrtle Beach some boaters claimed they were stalked by an 18 foot great white... their boat is only 20 feet so do the math.... story has it that the beast circled the boat about a dozen times and nudged it a few times with its snout.. they are curious creatures and this may be the result of years of chumming the sharks so whoever can get good film for shark week and these sight seeing tours... the sharks have now got it in their brain that boat = food... not good!! the great whites are in migration now so anything is possible... luckily for us humans they usually travel alone...
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: ZenOnMars on December 09, 2011, 08:35:08 PM
"We're gonna need a bigger boat!" ;D
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on December 10, 2011, 08:08:18 AM
I saw the video on youtube yeah this one was a biggie for sure... they also interviewed an aquariam guy who commended the fishermen for not harassing the animal! LOL! OK you're in an 20 foot boat the white is 18 feet.... who's harassing who? LOL! Not only did the shark nudged the boat with its snout it turned around and gave the side of the boat a hearty tail flap which i believe is shark language for get off my cloud this is my turf... I read Susan Casey's book Devil's Teeth about the studies on the great whites on the Farallon Islands (sp?) which as she says is about the distance of a pizza delivery off the coast of San Francisco but you just as well might be at the ends of the earth... they are interesting creatures not that i would want to meet one but anything that can remain intact on this planet for 6 million years or whatever virtually unchanged and still the kings and queens of the ocean blue has got my respect no questions asked!!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on February 03, 2012, 03:28:58 PM
 :) Recycling a 3-foot-high stack of newspapers can save one whole tree......
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 04, 2012, 08:10:17 PM
Thanks for the good thought!
Not to worry, Mz.Lily, newsprint is getting obsolete quickly, replaced by online magazines and the infamous APPS for smart phones. I'd get me one of those, but would it save trees, I'm not that sure.
If you order anything from anywhere online - remember it'll come with tons of cardboard packaging.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on February 08, 2012, 04:28:14 AM
hey gang! whew.... been busy... then got sick! i haven't been this sick in a long long time... i can usually tough it out but not this time (old age?)... i.m on the verge of calling out for the third day in row... totally destroyed my perfect attendance record!  hey celebrated twenty hears sobriety over the weekend.. no hot toddies for me! peace and love to you all!  :-*

ps crazy article in surfer mag re: Imperial Beach...  Shaka
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on February 08, 2012, 08:57:17 PM
Just a thought Sven..We recycle aluminum cans. Mostly for school fundraising, etc.. Ocean I wondered why you have not posted. Stay welll. Both of you...
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on February 09, 2012, 05:06:09 AM
@Water Lily: our company did a thing where they collected just the pop tops off cans for the Ronald McDonald house....unfortunately here in the flatlands of North Carolina there isn't what i would call an aggressive recycling program... the city of course picks up paper aluminum plastic etc at the curb.... but not bottles or cans or plastic on an individual basis like those self serve machines... here at the apts no recycling whatsoever and feel guilty as hell about it but on the 3rd floor i don't have much room to be stockpiling bottles and what not.. plus in the summer when its 116 degrees there's a lot of strange varmints and insects that come lurking up from the creekbed.. i already had a huge raccoon try to get into the house once!

I am now on my 4th day in row out sick! i don't what this crap is but it really sucks! woke up at 1am with coughing spasms that just would not quit... never really got back to sleep.. now i have no recourse but to go to the doctor what a hassle!!

say what you will about the Super Bowl (i always likened it to the spectacle of Rome) but so far here's the fallout: MIA gives America the finger, Gisele gets into a catfight with one of the QBs, a CNN commentator gets suspended for his alleged homophobic tweets re: Beckham's undie ads... and the beat goes on! 
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on February 10, 2012, 12:04:42 PM
i hope you get to feeling well , OceanF.  That's exactly why we started saving aluminum the school is having fundraiser for St. Jude. I save every tab off the can and we turn that into the school, then exchange the cans for cash and give that to the Ronald McDonald house at the end of the year. Hope all are Healthy and happy.....Peace
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 10, 2012, 11:16:19 PM
Flower, see a doctor ASAP!  You got to rule out pneumonia. And there is that Norwalk virus afoot, makes its victims absolutely miserable. Everyone at my work now washes their hands a lot, sanitizing napkins and gel in high demand.  :)  Get well and stay around, please. Love and hugs.

Thanks, Mz.Lily, the same to you and your family!

P.S. I am glad to notice that the BB doesn't get deserted more than a day or two, someone stops by, keeps it running, thank you all.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on February 11, 2012, 06:31:31 AM
thank you all! turns out i have infectious bronchitis go figger right? gave me some five day antibiotics and cough medicine in a capsule... the best part of the exam was when the nurse stuck a huge qtip up my nose to touch the back of my throat... what a rush!  8)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on February 15, 2012, 09:59:21 PM
Whew...infectious bronchitis...qtip up the nose....bad day at the Dr. office, it's afew days hope you're doing better.  I hate to say it not really been that sick, you have to remember I live with a boy who goes to school and will wipe his nose much for handsanitizer.....I was sick all summer so I may be at a high resistance. Good for me! Hope you all had a happy Valentines day.  ;D
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 17, 2012, 01:43:29 AM
Get well, Flower, come back to us, write your usual funny comments, talk about Rock&roll, surfing and girls in bikinis.

I have 'relocated' for the time being to IMDB Bulletin Board devoted to "Luck", and read new posts there every day - what a pleasure! Lot of interesting views, some customary trolling and mud-fights, but the people there are doing what we had been doing first couple of years after the airing of JFC. They discuss intriguing, out of the ordinary TV show written by talented writers and played by brilliant actors. Recommend to visit that place.

If someone wishes, here's the link: (

Until then - love and hugs to everyone!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on February 18, 2012, 03:21:08 PM
@sven: don't go! I don't have Luck (pardon the pun).... getting better all the time yeah!  :)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 19, 2012, 07:55:39 PM
Oh, Flower, this here is my chain and the ball, my legal union "till death does us part", the IMDB is a detour, a fling, a love affair, a sip of hard liquor, a pleasure of guilt and betrayal.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: wavewatcher on February 22, 2012, 10:11:36 AM
Ha Sven! Love your description...I like this place too and don't miss the "troll(s)" and those types of exchanges!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 22, 2012, 09:00:13 PM
Love on a respirator, my friend.

I am enjoying IMDB "Luck" board, its energetic discussion, where people have something to say about the show. For example, there is quite an obscure phrase - "Spruce Goose" - Gerry says he goes to see it, when he leaves for his next poker game.  I had no idea what it meant, and someone on IMDB explained it.
There is very little influx of obnoxious jerks, by the way, everything is very civilized. Disagreements, sure, but polite. Brought back all the good memories of our past on JFC BB.

All water. Under the bridge.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on February 25, 2012, 09:32:08 AM
Quote from: Sven2 on February 19, 2012, 07:55:39 PM
Oh, Flower, this here is my chain and the ball, my legal union "till death does us part", the IMDB is a detour, a fling, a love affair, a sip of hard liquor, a pleasure of guilt and betrayal.

Long as you been doing it right...
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 28, 2012, 11:56:43 PM
Eh, Flower, you know better, when could an addiction or passion be "done right"?  :D :D :D
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on March 10, 2012, 05:42:50 AM
if it feels good, do it??  8)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on March 13, 2012, 01:15:08 AM
An addiction rarely "feels good" - right? :o
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: OceanFlower on March 16, 2012, 04:56:25 PM
all depends what you are addicted to i guess  :P
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: wavewatcher on June 29, 2012, 04:14:07 PM
I got this shot from a centerfield tv camera at Yankee Stadium. The eastern seaboard wasn't supposed to be able to see this due to cloud cover but there was suddenly a 60 second opening in the clouds at the exact right time. With the help of an awesome video guy and an excellent tape guy, we got the shot!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: wavewatcher on July 06, 2012, 04:11:20 PM
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on July 12, 2012, 12:55:23 AM
Wavewatcher, is that the Sun and Earth? A bald man's head and a fly? What the heck is that? Huh?
Posting anything from the Net is a blast, as to anyone's own stuff - beyond my pay grade!

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: wavewatcher on July 12, 2012, 04:34:36 PM
Sven..that is Venus traversing the sun as shot by me from an HD television camera in centerfield at Yankee Stadium. The clouds cleared for about a minute and I zoomed in to the sun and with the help of a great video technician we were able to get this shot. A tape technician in the truck snapped this picture of a monitor which had my shot in it...pretty cool!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skordamou on July 12, 2012, 07:03:53 PM
What a beautiful photograph!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: wavewatcher on July 12, 2012, 11:21:58 PM
So glad that this picture lured Skor out of hiding! Hope all is well! Great to see some life here!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: skor on July 12, 2012, 11:37:32 PM
I'm here. It was by chance that I checked in , surprised and happy to see you folks here!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on July 13, 2012, 01:41:20 PM

That is an amazing image you captured!  I had no idea what I was looking at but now, that's really impressive!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on July 27, 2012, 03:27:11 PM
The song below (a better cover of the original by Ben Novak) would've been nothing out of the ordinary if not the author of it - a software program that replaces, with a certain degree of success, a human composer/songwriter. In 2005 "Turn Your Car Around", became a top-10 hit in Europe. 

Here is the article that explains that machines can BE creative - given the right algorithms and software.
These news should shake the world of music - and perhaps art as well. (

Lee Ryan - Turn Your Car Around (Colour Version) (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on August 01, 2012, 08:22:43 PM
Bowhead Whales Sing Like Birds

Kate Stafford, an oceanographer with UW's Applied Physics Lab, set out to find if any endangered bowhead whales passed through the Fram Strait, an inhospitable, ice-covered stretch of sea between Greenland and the northern islands of Norway. Only around 40 sightings of bowhead whales, which were hunted almost to extinction, have been reported there since the 1970s.

Stafford and colleagues put two hydrophones, or underwater microphones, on moorings attached to the seafloor in Fram Strait, leaving them there for as long as the batteries would last: nearly a year. Since the population of bowhead whales likely to pass through was thought to number in the tens, they didn't anticipate much interesting data.

"We hoped to record a few little grunts and moans," Stafford said. "We were not expecting to get five months of straight singing."

Not only did they record singing nearly every hour of the day and night, they picked up more than 60 unique songs. A paper detailing their discoveries appears July 31 as the feature article in Endangered Species Research and is openly accessible online.

The variety of tunes was so surprising that the researchers compared the whales' song catalog to that of birds.

"Whether individual singers display one, multiple or even all call types, the size of the song repertoire for... bowheads in 2008-2009 is remarkable and more closely approaches that of songbirds than other... whales," they wrote in the report.

They have yet to learn why the whales sang so consistently last year.

Scientists believe that bowhead whale song comes from males during mating season. In most other kinds of whales, individuals either sing the same song their whole lives or all members of a population sing the season's same popular tune. If bowheads are like the former, that would mean more than 60 males were in the Fram Strait. If the population is evenly split between males and females, there could have been more than 100 whales -- far more than anyone thought comprised this population.

With further study, the scientists instead could discover that individual bowhead whales have a repertoire of songs that they sing during a season. That would be equally interesting because it would make the bowheads the only known whales to sing a variety of songs in the same season.

from Science (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on August 01, 2012, 10:20:02 PM
Quote from: Sven2 on August 01, 2012, 08:22:43 PM
Bowhead Whales Sing Like Birds

from Science (

This is lovely, Sven!  Thank you for posting this!

Bowhead whale song 1: (

Bowhead whale song 2: (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on September 26, 2012, 12:54:12 PM
Earthflight (Winged Planet) - Condor Flight School (Narrated by David Tennant) (

"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace"

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on September 28, 2012, 05:30:56 PM
Wow, one tough mother - pushed the chick off the edge!   ???
Thanks, Miz.Lily, and don't you wish we had wings?
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on September 28, 2012, 07:21:17 PM
I took my drink outside to enjoy the cool evening air... And read your reply Sven.

The scent of late summer grilling wafted across the fence from the neighbor's yard...

A bluejay just squawked as he flew past, then crash-landed by the fence...

he has some sort of very large nut in his beak and I guess that threw his balance off lol... Possibly winter surplus, or an evening snack.

He glared at me suspiciously as if accusing me of tripping him, then flew off with his treasure...

:D..... I love the short videos of bird's and the view you see...  :-\

Yes, it's a marvelous evening!

Hope it's lovely wherever you are tonight!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on September 30, 2012, 12:17:15 AM
The rain has been heavy yesterday but let up, the warm air still hints of summer, my standard tea rose holds a swelling bud, the last one, the most beloved - yes, the weather here is sweet, Miz.Lily.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 26, 2013, 03:25:20 PM
My favorite dog. Seriously. Besides, they're a great couple.

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 27, 2013, 03:30:21 PM
Another couple:
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 27, 2013, 03:31:01 PM
And another:
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Water Lily on October 07, 2013, 02:17:43 PM
Love cat photos. Long time no see or read..My life is a bit of a bore these days. I just don't seem to care whats happening.  Just thought I would revisit an old place and see if it could stir some emotion. lol I'll let you know.:(
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on October 08, 2013, 12:34:53 PM
This one just cracks me up!! 

だるまさんが転んにゃ - Stalking Cat - (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on October 13, 2013, 01:29:32 PM
So, Mz.Lily, are your emotions stirred or shaken?  :D :D :D

(Unexpectedly good "quote", sorry, I couldn't resist!)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on October 24, 2013, 02:46:21 PM
"Ugh, so tired. I'll just lay down and eat."

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on December 17, 2014, 04:11:46 PM

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on December 18, 2014, 05:17:54 PM
Love it!  Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 23, 2015, 12:25:03 AM
With great imagination of the little girl and a talented team working with her, they created a new, unexpected, world of Oz! I'd love to see that as a whole movie! (
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on September 01, 2015, 04:10:16 PM
Theo Jansen (1948) studied physics at the University of Delft (The Netherlands) from 1968-1975. He left University to become an artist. He painted for the first seven years. In 1980 he built a flying saucer (15 ft flashing lights, beep sounds) that flew over Delft and set the town in commotion. Then he built a light sensitive spray-gun which paints an object on a surface. Since 1986 Theo Jansen has been writing a column for the Volkskrant (national newspaper). Since 1990 he has been working on a new creation: skeletons made of electric-conduits which walk on wind-power. These animals have evolved into several generations over the last twelve years.

"Not pollen or seeds, but plastic yellow tubes are used as the basic material of the new nature. I make skeletons that are able to walk on the wind, so they don't have to eat. Over time these skeletons have become increasingly better at surviving the elements such as wind and water and eventually I want to put these animals out in herds out on the beaches, so they will live their own lives."

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: brig3456 on November 07, 2015, 12:56:04 PM
Hi all,  Just found JFC on Comcast On Demand.  Watching Episode 1.   Love this.
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on November 07, 2015, 04:53:32 PM
I never thought I'd say this but... I wish I had ComCast  ;)
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: brig3456 on November 07, 2015, 06:15:51 PM
Loved it  watched the first episode.  As good as it was when it came out
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: SaveJFC Admin on November 08, 2015, 02:08:27 PM
I thought I'd post a video here from Episode 1 just a reminder for everyone.  In searching YouTube I found that they are selling (renting?) the full season for $1.99 per episode:

Open Credits:
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on September 08, 2016, 04:57:32 PM
"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them...  They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea."  (Isaiah 11:1-9) (

Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Lily B on February 04, 2017, 06:44:17 PM
Great movie.. Five⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Title: Re: A Bit of Everything
Post by: Sven2 on February 15, 2017, 12:14:22 PM
It is, thanks, Lily!