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Messages - Cissy

General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
October 18, 2013, 01:23:39 AM
You all remember all the monads that appeared in the bar? Now, I think they were us...
General JFC / Re: Barry's Bar & Motel
October 18, 2013, 01:19:58 AM
Hi, been needing to come here and say a thing.... Lost an old friend.. thing is, I can't stop thinking what would have been if John had come to his door and asked  "What do you want Bobby ?"
I didn't feel this belonged with Tammy, so sharing with the empty bar I guess, I know you are all still here, your spirits are anyway. Just cannot stop thinking about that knock at the door...
Love you all, and that ain't words, you know that.
General JFC / Re: Countdown To "Luck"
October 27, 2012, 02:04:59 AM

Had to say, while I am here, I miss all of you like crazy. Seriously!
Fall is just about here, hope we are all chatting or being in touch
with each other.... a sfam told me there was no more 'us'.
I can't believe that.
It would be too sad.

Big Love to all of my bro's and sis's fam!
General JFC / Re: "Luck" Archives
March 29, 2012, 06:34:31 AM
Sven, thank you so much for the pictures, I love the one you made, it's perfect. I'll keep it in my mind with the other 2 closing shots of the finale. John Ortiz face over the stable sign, sad face. Me too. Thanks for the tweet recap and the new article, encouraging people to still see this show. It got better with each episode, including the finale.

General JFC / Re: "Luck" Archives
March 26, 2012, 06:31:07 AM
Thanks Sven! I'm so glad you posted those here. I wouldn't know how to begin to do that. Really nice of John Ortiz to share them with us as well.
The last scenes, they were so so JFC.
Broke my heart.
General JFC / Re: Countdown To "Luck"
March 23, 2012, 08:48:07 AM
Spent the early morning watching and re-watching the past 3 eps. of Luck.

Previews of this Sunday just look like this series is goin' strong. Blood to be paid and all. Maybe that's in the 2 eps we do or do not get to see. I've heard both. Crossing fingers. I tried the toes too, but they got all cramped up and it hurt.

Wave, I have to say, it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I'll never be sorry I watched JFC, I might be frustrated, even pissed majorly, I love that show, you know that, you all know that. Broke my heart when I got past pissed.
This is gonna do the same. But not to see it? I don't think I could do that. Remember how it felt, I know you do, that opening from JFC, Dylan and the sky, clouds, waves... we knew that wasn't leading to a happy place, but would you rather have never experienced that? How about Bill and Freddy playin that sweet God Bless the Child up there in the night? And of course, 'Fuck room 24!'  How about Zippy coming home to Bill in Lois's room? I wouldn't trade it. I don't think any of us here still today would.
I got faith that way. smile.

It's so good to see all of you again. I've been the less for spending no time here. I'm glad I know that know.
I can't find my way around at all, that's why my posts go on strange pages. Sorry, truly. If I don't respond to something, try to tell me where to look? All newbie here again. Hope a few folks caught BVH surfing Wednesday night, I know I posted it somewhere here....
General JFC / Re: JFC and Milch - NewsFeed.
March 21, 2012, 02:44:24 AM
Gee, it'd be nice if I remembered to share where to see BVH surfing again!
He surfs just a little maybe 10 or less minutes into the 24 minutes, but at
the end, you could believe, for a little bit, you were watching Butchie, healthy
on the waves again. In IB.
General JFC / Re: JFC and Milch - NewsFeed.
March 21, 2012, 02:03:58 AM
I know we're doing 'Luck' here, and glad we are, but I have to post here, right here! I saw Brian V. Holt, Butchie, now Bobbie surfing tonight, in the same ocean, and he's looking so good on that board!!
I watch the tv show Cougartown because he is in it, and he plays towards Butchies good parts, tonight, they had him teaching another member of that cast how to surf. At the end? Everyone was out there in a wetsuit on a board.
It was, suh weet!!
General JFC / Re: Countdown To "Luck"
March 19, 2012, 11:16:37 AM
Hi Wave!
It's good to 'see' you again!

I agree with you. Yes, from the first tantalizing hint of this story coming to us from Milch and hbo, I was waiting for those horses, waiting for the races, and they have been awesome. Tonights episode certainly would have decided many watchers who were still figuring out if they liked it. or if they could make out the audio.
But, you're right about the races, seeing them, hearing them, just wonderful. Still, we have stronger relationships with the characters than we do the horses, we're more invested in where the people end up,  in the characters stories, and since that's already been decided on and partly written, why throw it away? Why not give it a chance? This really would have worked, CGI anyone? For long shots in the races? Maybe use footage of actual races already run when you want a close up, or to put your actor on the horse instead of the actual jockey that was there? You know, adjust stock footage to fit what the story needs to say in the race. 
If horse deaths were uncommon statistically to the usual at that certain time of year? I'd very sadly say, it's got to stop. But that isn't the truth, the truth is exactly what you said it is. I agree totally with you. There is a whole story in why this show was really cancelled that includes the horses and the people,  Maybe they'll make that tv-movie one day, eh? We would all watch I betcha! On second thought, we shouldn't hold our breaths though o-<
General JFC / Re: Countdown To "Luck"
March 19, 2012, 09:10:56 AM
Tonight's episode of Luck was amazing. Felt a couple times like my heart was going to beat itself right out of my body!

Sven, yes, there was that naked sort of factual filming in this episode that looked much like Sopranos.
All the people who were/are still watching, we all know that (I know I keep saying this, but it is just so true for me) this show honestly gets
better with each episode. This would have been exactly what hbo has been looking for since Sopranos ended, finally filled that gap
so many people seem to miss from hbo.

I notice hbo isn't getting much praise for shutting this project down.

I am starting to feel like hbo is a sort of bait and switch network. We have great original programming, and we cancel it regularly!
That should be their claim to fame, is as far as I'm concerned.
General JFC / Re: Countdown To "Luck"
March 16, 2012, 07:54:59 PM
Milch was banned from being around the work and the horses? That just says an awful lot to me. Nothing good.  You gotta love his crazy genius, I love these losers we all come to remember, to recognize so easily, empathetic ally, except for their respective different broken parts with this crew.

He's poison now I guess, Milch, in the media field. Too much everything. Too much time, too much sacrifice, too much bending of deals and dates agreed upon, basically, too much for the non genius crowd to allow him the room to tell the story.
He was actually being a danger to the horses? Thank you for including the link. 

Argh! A whole story we don't get to know the ending of. JFC's ending ep sure didn't satisfy me at all, and I would think that Mr. Hoffman would not like to see it go that way. If Tom Hanks were the producer, as he is on so many hbo projects, would this show still be cancelled?
I know a lot of people who didn't like or watch Big Love, which he produced, Mr. Hanks, and it had a pretty long run, before and after the writers strike back then. I think there is just more to this than the 3 sadly departed horses.

General JFC / Re: Countdown To "Luck"
March 16, 2012, 06:37:56 AM
Seems I find myself just not being able to believe this. When Breaking Bad was rejected by hbo, AMC took it an bless them, look what they made.
Is there a way this could not happen for this show? Or are contracts in place forbidding such action? I'm not saying who cares horses die, not by a very long shot, but, what are the actual statistics on horse deaths over the same period of time when it isn't being a film. Anyone know? I did read that post, but wasn't sure it meant that it was certainly within the actual statistics, even less than normal? Or average, or worse?
This show has simply gotten better with each episode, I am hearing from people who intended to watch, who hadn't seen an ep yet, very unhappy this has happened.

I just think, if it's well within the actual 'norm' for this track, the number of horses dying that year, or that quarter, then it's sorta not the filming's fault. It's just what happens.
Sven really think that they were looking for an excuse? This was going great, truly. The connections and the personalities all laid out just so we don't get to know what happens to them? I really hope that Mr. Hoffman for one, would let the rest of the story he supported telling on a different channel. Sue hbo if you have to, lots of people are coming late to really like this show, season 2 would cement it's viewers.
I have heard that the other is true as well, that Milch is just too difficult in so many ways to work with. Did Deadwood only get to go on because it had enough naked ladies and killings?  Not because it was brilliant?
General JFC / Re: Countdown To "Luck"
March 12, 2012, 03:27:21 AM
I was thinking about the black and white photo Turo turns to, on his mantle, of a little boy. I'm thinking he's lost one along the way somewhere. A son, a brother? Someone from his past, some male child has gone missing, and he misses that child. I agree Sven, he will take that little one on, and he'll do it the
way it gets done. Remember, Turo started out shoveling horse droppings? I have done my share, I'm lucky the smell agrees with me :)

Ace isn't real sure who he is anymore I think. He went to his own room, alone tonight to watch his horse. I'm thinking the man who went away for 3 years isn't the man who came out. He's going through the motions, but I get the feeling he'd as soon walk away from the revenge business when he's with his lady, or his horse.
I really don't think he thought 'the kid' would be killed, I think that's going to put him back further into his 'Ace' persona where acting out in his way won't be accepted by those new in his life, and he likes the new in his life.
Off to read IMBD, you all are sleeping now. 'night~
General JFC / Re: Countdown To "Luck"
March 11, 2012, 11:55:31 PM
Hello Sven and everybody!
Just finished tonight's Luck. I cried! When Ace was 'jogging' with the horse? I just nah nahed into tears!
Escalante, the character just keeps on doing exactly what I expect him to do. I love it. Looks like,
from the preview, she isn't going to get to keep that babe, he will be sorry about that. Ace is breaking
my heart, simple and sweet things he loves, hard "Ace Bernstein" he is only a shadow of now I am thinking.
He will over react to Mr. Israel's unfortunate incident. The 'conversation' Jerry and Naomi? had in the car
I found to be rather... what, different? laughing. Unhappy about Rosie and Smith and Ronni, dammit Ronni!
Ronni could use a visit from John, eh?
I need to find the 'nest' place. Off to look for it.
General JFC / Re: Countdown To "Luck"
March 03, 2012, 06:45:01 AM
I just watched the latest ep. tonight. At sleep time.
Wonder if it's always this point in the series? I have to watch Deadwood, and count ep.s till we get to the comparative one to this ep. I cannot believe you fell asleep. It was the 'human/humane' episode. The underlying stuff, a lot of it.
I'm still trying to process. There's only one thing I know for sure about this episode; that vet was never going to leave the Peruvian that night. I'm thrilled it's a Peruvian, I'm more than crazy about Peru. But I also understand him better, the character, because I have spent time there, and with the people. I actually know a man like him. And I know others there, or from there who, well, let's say different socio economic backgrounds breed different men. In a third world, that's truly a horse of a different color.
Should I try to read a little of "It" to get sleepy with? hahahahaha
It is so good, each of you, it's so good to be here where any time, you might be, and we all be thinking of each other, because we were here.
I am grateful.
Someone talk about the horses, in last weeks ep. or point me where I should be finding you. Please?  You know how it says in books ' my heart was in my throat?' Mine was. Worked a little on my 6 pack too. I was scared and well, more scared than excited. So much heart. As in Rosie's ride, the heart is all. No one feels like a loser when they see a race like that. 
I screw up if I preview, so am sure I would if I spell checked, operator error, I know. So please, forgive any typos or flat out mis spellings?
yo' sfam
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