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Chat Log: Ep. 1 "His Visit: Day One"Chat Log: Ep. 2 "His Visit: Day Two"Saturday 11 April 2009Chat Log: Ep. 1 "His Visit: Day One" BeginsYou have joined has joined Effy has left the chat. (EOF from client) Project_mkarts_fags has joined Project_mkarts_fags has changed their name to Guest039 Guest039 has changed their name to Taker Taker has left waterbroad has joined waterbroad: Good Evening. oil has joined oil: well hello ladies waterbroad: I am going to go set up the DVD player. waterbroad: epi 1 right? oil: yeppers SaveJFC: Hi. I'm here now. Had to make dinner. waterbroad: Hello! Good to "see" you. SaveJFC: Good to see you too! oil: thanx oil: you too waterbroad: I received a message from Tammy on FB. She can not make it tonight. SaveJFC: Ep.1, should we wait until 5after to see who shows? waterbroad: sure, I am not going anywhere SaveJFC: Just talked to Tammy. Her grandson's christening is tonight waterbroad: Yes, that is what she told me this AM SaveJFC: Also, Cissy/cindy is going to her son's birthday party. SaveJFC: So both of them won't be with us tonight. waterbroad: Well, at least they are celebrating! waterbroad: I am sorry oil, I forgot which part of the country you are in. oil: Wisconsin same as rn waterbroad: rn? SaveJFC: 1974rn oil: 74 RN waterbroad: Are you starting to see signs of spring yet waterbroad: okay. oil: snow is almost gone , beautiful today SaveJFC: I think Jimmy said he had to work tonight or was going to be out-of-town oil: just little snow banks here and there waterbroad: To bad, Jimmy always has some good lines. waterbroad: I have been way out of the loop with everyone. Has Cissy relocated? oil: I'm expecting company tonight so I might not be here long waterbroad: Okay. oil: sorry waterbroad: I have to fold laundry, so I am going to be stepping back and forth between teh computer. waterbroad: the SaveJFC: Cissy is still in the same house. They keep looking but haven't found anything yet SaveJFC: I'll let you know if you miss anything LOL waterbroad: Is this the same house with all the water issues. waterbroad: okay oil: it might be rude of me to make them just sit and wait halfway through an episode SaveJFC: Yes. House hasn't gotten any better. waterbroad: nahhh, everyone could use a little JFC, guests or not LOL oil: leaky roofs are a pain waterbroad: Yes they are. myles has joined waterbroad: hey myles oil: I had a rental once, it was like Niagra falls when it rained and the roof was brand new SaveJFC: Myles, we will start at 5 after myles: evening folks oil: hey Myles SaveJFC: We will do ep. 1 first waterbroad: I had a new roof put on, and the first heavy southeast rain bought water running through my smoke detector in a bedroom. myles: Oil, how are ya brother SaveJFC: Chatangel and Cissyyost both can't be with us tonight oil: I'm still kickin M myles: good oil: That spare room is still open if you ever get sick of beeantown SaveJFC: 3mins to go oil: where are the clocks? waterbroad: I have clocks. SaveJFC: They are right up top for me. SaveJFC: 2mins to go myles: may take you up on that offer! oil: not me and the background of the homepage is still cluttered SaveJFC: If you can't see the clocks you might have to reload the page but that will kick you off the chat and you'll have to log back on oil: someone give me a go sign SaveJFC: You using IE6 aren't you oil has left the chat. (Connection closed) myles: 1 min SaveJFC: works best in SaveJFC: FireFox or IE7 oil has joined SaveJFC: Any better oil? SaveJFC: 20 sec waterbroad: oil come, oil goes oil: no luck stiill no clocks SaveJFC: 15 sec SaveJFC: 10sec waterbroad: 9 SaveJFC: 5sec waterbroad: 4 SaveJFC: go oil: dum da dum da dum waterbroad: Ahh, Johnny SaveJFC: the he goes johhy appleseed waterbroad: Ride those waves SaveJFC: lots of whip outs... anyone figure out why they did that? waterbroad: Is that greyson skateboarding? myles: wasn't that cool of Jim beaver dropping by last week? oil: awesomwee SaveJFC: very good waterbroad: And I missed it! Shoot! oil: i mean awesome waterbroad: The sloughs SaveJFC: old school long board waterbroad: Herbie waterbroad: amen my brother. SaveJFC: did anyone see Emily oil: cheep SaveJFC: Rose on ER this season SaveJFC: Bill! waterbroad: yes, I am an er girl myles: No Save, I only caught the finale, was she on it oil: I watching 2 oops!! waterbroad: Did anyone see Austin on One Tree Hill? SaveJFC: lol me too oil! I'm such an idiot! myles: Butchie's on a show now too, didn't see it though waterbroad: what show is that? SaveJFC: sons of anarchy? waterbroad: Sounds too negative for me. SaveJFC: Where are we in ep1? waterbroad: I love Ramon's belly. Reminds me of Buddha's belly. SaveJFC: Where are we in ep 1? oil: Im lost too SaveJFC: who is watching on DVD? waterbroad: 7:39 on dvd butchie shooting up waterbroad: mitch rinsing off. waterbroad: mitch rising up SaveJFC: Got it. I'm qued now SaveJFC: john and joe waterbroad: Frat Boy SaveJFC: 50 bucks SaveJFC: you cued oil? waterbroad: turn out your pockets myles: I believe Butchi is on Burn Notice oil: I'm on it waterbroad: look how blue the sky is in the background. SaveJFC: really, didn't see him there. Michael Shanks from SG1 is on Burn Notice though waterbroad: It rained here all day oil: wehere you at WB? waterbroad: Loading the truck. waterbroad: butchie and freddy on the phone waterbroad: shaun knocking oil: shaun at the door oil: love that helmet SaveJFC: imdb says butchie was on csi this year and sons of anarchy last year waterbroad: I have like John on OTH, it is good to see him acting with language and more expression. myles: Buthice on CSI? , I only see the Vegas one myles: And there was a great ep with Trixe waterbroad: What else is Trixie doing, I saw a promo for something. waterbroad: Kai myles: She played a hooker pretending to be an FBI agent myles: pretending to be a hooker SaveJFC: That's right. She was good. myles: and she acted just like Trixie waterbroad: can she play anything else? I would love to see more out of her. myles: and her partners name was....Myles! waterbroad: Coinidence or memorex? waterbroad: comfy cozy myles: so I guess Milch's new series will never be? waterbroad: I am out of all loops, what new series? myles: I still can't find an announcement J2N has joined oil: the cop show waterbroad: Jimmy! J2N: Howdy myles: J2N ! oil: Ntz!! J2N: Just got back to the hotel from work J2N: How is everyone? SaveJFC: Trixie, Paula Malcomson, is going to be on "Caprica" the new spinoff SciFi series that takes place before the BattleStar Galactica story SaveJFC: Zippy dead? myles: zippy was a good bird SaveJFC: We were hoping you would make it Jimmy! SaveJFC: Doyou have the DVD? myles: twinkies ! J2N: I need to load upmy dvd SaveJFC: we're at abt 19.00 waterbroad: Yes, that was it Caprica. That should be phenominal with Eric Stolz. oil: gimme a jkiss J2N: EP 1 Right? waterbroad: yep SaveJFC: Yes Ep 1 SaveJFC: 19:30 J2N: saw that one last week oil: were doing #2 next SaveJFC: I like how Milch forshadowed Shawns injury with the neck bobbing and Bill's fiber myalgia comment J2N: Comming up on my other laptop oil: you got 1/2 hour to take a shower before ep 2 Jimmy SaveJFC: Jim, we are doing 2 eps each week. Starting with a repeat of last weeks show. J2N: Hey good Idea... SaveJFC: That bowl of soup comment gets me every time... how did Milch come up with it! oil: bowl of soup :) oil: GRAND POOBAH ISN'T THAT FROM THE FLINTSTONES? oil: caps lock oops waterbroad: Yes, Mr. Slate was the Grand Poobah of the Loyal Waterbuffalo Lodge. waterbroad: Yes, I know, I am sad. oil: lol waterbroad: What about the healing power of sex. waterbroad: Vroom oil: tire seal? myles: doesn't ring a bell waterbroad: I guess you huff it for a high oil: plug your nostrils waterbroad: So, were butchie's implants for horns in his head when he was "Butchie the Beast"? SaveJFC: I'm Down! oil: we think so oil: So is Jimmy off showering? I'm having visions of him soaping up the pineapple J2N: give me some cues oil: not good visions waterbroad: 30.26 oil: I dont know Butchie instead waterbroad: I like Kai myles: would like to see her act in something sqaur has joined sqaur has left J2N: You are' waterbroad: I would love to see her surf. myles: that too ! waterbroad: meet the Jetsons oil: more hanna barbarra refrences waterbroad: Well, I was more of a Flintstone's, Speed Racer kind of chick. oil: garys a douchebag J2N: Trixie? waterbroad: yes, he is. waterbroad: no Trixie waterbroad: Traffic SaveJFC: Yes but we needed Gary to give a reason for everyone to go to the police station oil: a necessary douchebag waterbroad: But, he is a diabetic waterbroad: Barry! oil: low blood sugar is no excuse J2N: His douchebaggery is unmatched SaveJFC: I guess that could excuse his behavior. lol waterbroad: I don't know about that, being a girl in Jersey trying to date, he is pretty tame from some of the men I encountered. SaveJFC: I don't know butchie instead waterbroad: JC, JC! SaveJFC: this is a blow out SaveJFC: this is a puncture of the left front tire oil: jesus Christ Jesus Christ!!! waterbroad: The end is near! SaveJFC: I love how cissy doesn't know what "watch your head" means, but for the show, it works well when taken metiphorically. oil: I turned my Bro in law rto JFC. Now he's always saying JC JC? SaveJFC: LOL SaveJFC: what's this nonsense now? myles: the dead shall be forgiven waterbroad: Where is Ramon from? oil: hollywood? waterbroad: vaudvilles of degradation. SaveJFC: John: Where Ramon is from they would build Mitch a shrine. SaveJFC: Barry: Don't we find so often our bodies are theaters of our resentments? SaveJFC: john and shawn waterbroad: trestles was saved! SaveJFC: Trestles? what are those? waterbroad: Trestles, a california state park/beach front with a great break. The wanted to plow a highway through it. waterbroad: Surf community rallied massive protests, and shut down the highway. SaveJFC: When did that happen? waterbroad: In the past year or so. J2N might now more. SaveJFC: I'd like to know technically how they made Mitch float. oil: magic waterbroad: My name is John, He is my friend. SaveJFC: I got my eye on you. myles: Pete's Pistol Hut oil: Im a constant danger to myself waterbroad: That line cracks me up too. waterbroad: I love this last scene. myles: it's good SaveJFC: Barry played a small part on "Chuck" as a rival Beverly Hills BuyMore store manager. waterbroad: Notice there are no real waves right now. waterbroad: Nothing surfable. myles: Ha , never noticed that waterbroad: The pier is always piles with surfers, regardless of TV. J2N: I'm havig trouble with my disc.... waterbroad: oh no. SaveJFC: Cissy: Maybe this is the time to admit that we don’t have the perfect marriage. waterbroad: duck dive SaveJFC: monkey on crack waterbroad: notice the sun is higher now myles: sad teddy SaveJFC: I like when Teddy surfs oil: teddy wiped out myles: cool tune SaveJFC: great song waterbroad: who sings? SaveJFC: "Sun/Rise/Light/Flies", performed by Kasabian waterbroad: and now there are clouds myles: damn those waves showed up fast waterbroad: now no clouds myles: stem to stem checkup tomorrow waterbroad: Notice how quickly they change height too. myles: did they do the surfin there? SaveJFC: Because the waves are so poor in southern california it was a major reason for the cost over-runs. If the waves were up they had to stop production and get all the actors to the beach even if they were in LA waterbroad: Now other surfers are out myles: no waves again, waterbroad: I still love the scene. waterbroad: That one chick looks so much like Mila Kunis from That 70's Show SaveJFC: Should we do Ep2 at 10 after? oil: I'm logging out to see if my clocks come back SaveJFC: or 5 after? waterbroad: okay by me oil has left the chat. (Connection closed) SaveJFC: Should we wait for Jimmy? waterbroad: Whatever you want. J2N: I'm ready waterbroad: I'm ready too. SaveJFC: There he is. Okay I'm getting cued. Let's try for 5 after waterbroad: okey dookey waterbroad: dokey SaveJFC: Waiting for oil Chat Log: Ep. 2 "His Visit: Day Two"Chat Log: Ep. 2 "His Visit: Day One" BeginsJ2N: Ready SaveJFC: should we wait for oil J2N: ok waterbroad: doesn't he have company SaveJFC: he said oil: I'm logging out to see if my clocks come back SaveJFC: I say give him a couple minutes oil has joined waterbroad: myles, you around? myles: yup SaveJFC: oil you got clocks SaveJFC: ? oil: nope SaveJFC: We'll give you a countdwn SaveJFC: Go in 30 secs? everyone qued? oil: and behind the chat window is the jumbled homepage waterbroad: give the go myles: yup oil: ready SaveJFC: 10 myles: 5 SaveJFC: 5 SaveJFC: go waterbroad: strum, strum, strum SaveJFC: Thre he goes... oil: looked in a factory, theres something I've felt myles: spotted the wrestlers in the opening myles: CSI did a show on that too ! J2N: cass SaveJFC: old school long board waterbroad: back to the sloughs J2N: kai waterbroad: Keala myles: welcome to the sloughs oil: mitch gets stuck with a hypodermic J2N: I got French sub titles SaveJFC: maybe that caused his floating? SaveJFC: lol waterbroad: bonjour oil: could be myles: Le John SaveJFC: film called legends oil: rip off of legends of the fall oil: title that is J2N: Zip! SaveJFC: zippy myles: Bill misses work waterbroad: Bill is lonely SaveJFC: work and lois myles: time to dump out waterbroad: John does not sleep myles: just stares? oil: or eat J2N: He looks good on the potty SaveJFC: nice bod SaveJFC: lol oil: sick waterbroad: I wouldn myles: Method acting for sure waterbroad: I wouldn't kick him out of my bathroom myles: Ha ha ha oil: no matter the smell? waterbroad: For that body... SaveJFC: John is such an a-sexual character that I never thought of him that way... but now that you mention it... Could be sortta like "Stranger in a Strangle Land" huh. oil: I guess fume control isnt an issue myles: his shit don't smell SaveJFC: lol oil: mine either SaveJFC: Butchie needs more fiber waterbroad: you know, straining like that is not good for the colon myles: there should have been a disclaimer waterbroad: Changing topics... Linc was a grom J2N: what a snake waterbroad: The thing itself, that was the thing oil: whats a grom? waterbroad: a young surfer oil: oh oil: thanx waterbroad: no problem waterbroad: no image oil: forgive me I'm from wisconsin J2N: Eddie Grom was the youngest boy (15) to win a world title surfing waterbroad: Well, I do not know much about dairy and cheese production myles: comfy cozy oil: what are the slews or is it sloughs? waterbroad: sloughs oil: moo J2N: It's TJ's toilet myles: Kai pronounces it slews oil: yuck myles: soo, not a nice beach area? J2N: by the way... I made up that Eddie Grom thing oil: turd surfin myles: Ramon needs numbers J2N: It's the mouth of the Tieajuana River waterbroad: Tijuana Sloughs is the break where the Tijuana rivermouth meets the Pacific Ocean. It is actually easiest to access Sloughs from Imperial Beach, since getting there from Playas de Tijuana would mean paddling north across the border and could result in attracting attention from the Border Patrol. This is a wave that changes greatly depending on the season, the amount of recent rainfall and swell direction. It is usually best in the wint oil: er myles: not to tie it in again, but freddy did a good turn on CSI last yr oil: wow thats a lot of info thanx WB waterbroad: copy and paste waterbroad: from the Baja Surf Guide oil: it did seem kinda typo free waterbroad: no, it is too late for that many pistons to be firing in my brains J2N: are we all going to meet in IB this summer? oil: WB the woman with two brains waterbroad: or just two personalities LOL oil: ha ha waterbroad: I wonder how much they paid Tony Robbins to use his name. J2N: lol Tony Robbins myles: no sale chick waterbroad: well, get me a free airline ticket, a few paid leave days from work, and a place to sleep, and I am there. myles: is Tony Robbins still someone? J2N: my disk crapped out again.... oil: Is it just me or is Kai really bad at reading her lines? waterbroad: yes, people still flock to his seminars, and there is always a new book myles: yeah, acting must be harder than it looks waterbroad: Well, she is know for being the top female charger, not an award winning actress. SaveJFC: I read Keala worked hard to memorize her lines. I think she was just nervous not being a actor. oil: kinda like the equivelent to a tone deaf opera singer myles: She still does better than I would oil: ditto waterbroad: I could never pull off her hair, which is just like the way she really wears it. myles: Barry forgives, John predicted myles: I wish I still had hair waterbroad: And, she has a rock sold body that you do not see in this show. oil: I wish I had her skin : ED Gein myles: ah, hence the title myles: why cincinnatti waterbroad: I am feeling a little cincinnati oil: get the fuck out waterbroad: who sings this? myles: another good tune SaveJFC: "Tic", performed by Kava Kava oil: little surfer groupies SaveJFC: Podcast with lead singer Pat on front page of myles: real young surfer here? myles: .. surfers waterbroad: I just know it is Jon-Jon Florence surfing for Shaun waterbroad: I love going to surfing contests. The kids are great. waterbroad: Freddy myles: Sha Na Na J2N: Bowzer SaveJFC: Remember when we donated to WildCoast for the surf contest? I wrote them recently bc they never sent us any pictures or info about the kids we sponsored but they never got back to me. myles: they fled town J2N: Sould I go down there and pound on their door? oil: I don't like this part coming up. I can feel the pain of hitting the reef SaveJFC: Would you Jimmy? That would really shake them up. myles: was there anyone named Madoff there? SaveJFC: Is that a serious offer? J2N: I guess I could do it if I ever get waterbroad: Did Milch steal this from the Brady Bunch. Greg, Hawaii, the curse Tiki necklace. oil: seems familiar no? myles: omg, you remember that! myles: I saw that waterbroad: yes, again, I am sad J2N: Oh Jan oil: it was the bradt bunches jump the shark moment waterbroad: No, I am Marcia J2N: "Jump the Shark" Thaken from the show Happy Days. waterbroad: You think, I thought it was Oliver. But, I also remember Fonzie jumping the shark. waterbroad: in his leather jacket myles: what is john really saying every time he asks Butchie myles: What do you want? oil: bingo Ron Howard was talking about it on RT last night myles: saw it, Oil waterbroad: RT? oil: real time J2N: Re Tard waterbroad: missed it SaveJFC: I think that John is telling Butchie that he can ask for what he wants instead of just dealing with things that happen to him. oil: conservatives hate it too much truth waterbroad: So does Bill drive all the way to Huntington with zippy in his pocket? waterbroad: Isn't it a ride? SaveJFC: They take Shawn from Huntington to Mercy hospital in San Diego waterbroad: again, isn't that quite a ride, even for a helecopter? waterbroad: J2N, you are our local CA guy. oil: J2N? is it a ride? J2N: 2= hours by car with traffic waterbroad: Are there no hospitals in Huntington? J2N: Lots oil: Is Mercy a spinal specialist hosp? J2N: no SaveJFC: Huntington Beack is 80.5 miles from San Diego waterbroad: So, you break your neck, living on a machine, and you travel to SD instead of getting to the closest hospital. waterbroad: Just nit picking. oil: suspension of disbelief waterbroad: okay J2N: The best place is Loma Linda waterbroad: good to know J2N: or UCLA Medical Center waterbroad: Nathan Fletcher, Greyson's uncle, had a real bad leg break out in the waves a few months ago He is now laid up for six months. J2N: Hard waves waterbroad: big wave at pipeline oil: Zippy kissed, Shauns condition is much improved waterbroad: does anyone use a public rest room and not think of this scene? J2N: I'm glad he pulled through yet again oil: I avoid public restrooms because of it. Don't know if I could resist pulling a John oil: just to freak the other guy out waterbroad: Heaven forbid, any of us be found in a unisex at the same time. oil: fake farts for everyone!! waterbroad: So, "the end is near" does that mean enlightenment is soon upon them? SaveJFC: "Staring At The Sun", performed by TV on the Radio. oil: wecan only hope waterbroad: so, same time next week? oil: who's up for ep 3?? myles: I'll be back next wk for #3 waterbroad: yes, I have some things to get done around here before bed. SaveJFC: Ep. 2 at 9pm ET myles: night folks ! SaveJFC: Ep. 3 at 10pm ET waterbroad: Does anyone facebook? oil: just kidding. my ass is sore from the desk chair myles has left the chat. (EOF from client) SaveJFC: night myles. Have a great week everyone oil: same to you oil: my daughter does SaveJFC: Jimmy let me know if you are serious about going to WildCoast for us. J2N: I'll let you know when I go to IB next SaveJFC: Great! SaveJFC: Tanks so much oil: good night all. again this was fun. the chats are never the same are they? waterbroad: Well I am signing off. oil has left the chat. (Connection closed) waterbroad: Have a happy easter. SaveJFC: Nite all SaveJFC: you2 J2N: bye SaveJFC: bye J2N has left the chat. (Connection closed) waterbroad has left the chat. (Connection closed) |